Woodlands is getting a bit greener! We achieved a Bronze Eco Church Award. Its an award scheme that encourages churches to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully.
In 2018, we earned our Bronze Eco Church Award by making a number of changes and we are enthusiastic to go for a Silver award in the future:
We have changed our utilities suppliers.
All of our electricity now generated from a 100% renewable sources and 15% of our Gas is from a renewable source locally generated in Avonmouth.We now use Eco friendly cleaning products.
For instance our washing up liquid and toilet cleaner.We changed to using recycled paper products.
Now our printing and toilet paper are both made from recycled paper.
Swapped to more efficient LED lights.
We've replaced some of our stage lights with more efficient LED lights, the new offices and toilets are all fitted with efficient LED lights. And there are plans a foot to replace the lighting in the Crypt and Main Hall with more efficient LED lighting over the coming years.Use coffee and tea are from a Fairtrade source.
We serve refreshments that are certified Fairtrade.
The changes we make at church are only a small part of the bigger picture. As a large city church, we want to encourage the hundreds of people in our church family to live in a sustainable, eco friendly way. If every household in church made some simple changes, it could make a real difference. If you’re keen to live in a more sustainable way, you can learn about climate justice and how to take action from these websites:
Don’t forget to bring them with you each Sunday!
Did you know that the UK throws away approximately 50 Billion paper cups a week and as little as 1 in 400 get recycled.
Did you know that we have around 1,000 people coming to church every Sunday? We serve hundreds of cups of tea, coffee, water and squash each week.
Do your part by bringing a reusable cup to church each week to help us reduce the number of paper cups we use.
We have Woodlands Keep Cups for sale for just £3 at Info Desk in the Foyer.