Woodies Kids — Woodlands Church

WE’RE RECRUITING! Join the team at Woodies


Our vision for Woodies Kids is for every child to KNOW God, GROW in their faith, and LOVE the world and we have some fun and creative activities to help children and families do this. 


Your children are welcome to join us on Sundays at 9.15am or 11am for Woodies Kids fun at church. Our Children’s Church team provides inspirational ways to help your kids connect with God!

9:15am Service

  • Tiny Treasures: 18 months to school age | The Crypt

  • Bright Lights: Reception to Year 2 | Upper Hall

  • Junior Explorers: Years 3 - 6 | Chaplaincy Building (Meet in foyer, collect from Chaplaincy)

  • Football Church: Years 3 - 7 | Off-site at Bristol Grammar School; (Team leaders take children to BGS; parents collect at BGS Sports Hall)

11am Service

  • Tiny Treasures: 18 months to school age | The Crypt

  • Bright Lights: Reception to Year 2 | Upper Hall

  • Junior Explorers: Years 3 - 6 | Chaplaincy Building (Meet in foyer, collect from Chaplaincy)

  • Football Church: Year 5 - 9 | Off-site at Bristol Grammar School; (parents drop children off at BGS at 10.45 (before the service starts); parents collect in foyer at Woodlands at the end of the service)


T-Club is a group for children in school years 5, 6 & 7 which runs on the first Thursday of each month from 5pm - 6.30pm in The Foyer at Woodies.

We enjoy an informal and fun time with the PS4, table tennis, crafts and games and an extensive tuck shop. Each month we have some time to explore and deepen in faith and friendships.

This year we are having a focus on the Bible - how and why we read it. We will be using some of the Bible project videos to help us explore this together. Children bring a packed tea with them and we eat together.

All are welcome - check the diary and sign up online!


Connect with Woodies Kids online:


For more information about Woodies Kids - get in touch with the children's church team by filling in the contact form below.

Hannah Dunmall
Assistant Children’s Minister