At Woodlands Central our vision is to see the city of Bristol transformed by the love and power of God. We are a church where ‘everyone cares for the poor’. So for us Social Action is an essential part of discipleship as we can all give, act and pray. Through our Local Care & Mission Fund we support our partner organisations. We have four key injustice areas that you can get involved with:
Homelessness | Food Poverty | Vulnerable Adults | Vulnerable Children
InHope are dedicated to helping those with life-disrupting problems, such as homelessness and addiction, to enjoy healthy, independent lives.
The Bristol Soup Run Trust provides food and essentials for free to the homeless and people on the streets, every night of the year.
Spring of Hope women’s night shelter offers emergency temporary accommodation in a warm and safe environment to vulnerable and homeless women.
The Wild Goose is a drop-in centre providing free hot meals, shower facilities, clothing and toiletries for those in extreme poverty and need.
FoodBank provides three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred in crisis.
South & East Bristol |
North Bristol |
Life Recovery helps people recovering from addiction and abuse; teaches life skills, creates mutual support and nurtures people’s spirituality and faith.
MentorMe supports and encourages people with criminal convictions who want to start a new life free from crime.
Urban Pursuit helps vulnerable young people and those at risk of school exclusion positively re-engage with education through adrenaline sports and adventure activities.
Home For Good works to mobilise the Church in the UK to respond to the needs of vulnerable children through families stepping forward to foster, adopt or provide supported lodgings for teenagers.
TLG is a Christian charity that helps churches to bring hope and a future for struggling children through early intervention such as training people to be coaches for children.