Woodlands Church gathers all kinds of people from across Bristol in the adventure of following Jesus. We are a broad mix of people from different generations and backgrounds who want to explore and grow in faith together.

We are also part of the Woodlands Group of Churches that meets in different locations across the city.



At Woodlands Church, we have four services happening on Sundays, each has a slightly different emphasis and feel.

8am: Early Service with Breakfast
9.15am: Family Friendly Service
11am: All-Ages Morning Service
7pm: Evening Celebration

Want to know about what to expect? Learn more about our Sunday Services.

Are you new to church? Be sure to say hello to our welcome team - they’ll be in blue t-shirts as you come in.

Read our CORONAVIRUS ADVICE to know how we are addressing this issue and what you can do to help.

This month marks the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight (24th February – 8th March), so it seems fitting that our EcoChallenge for this month is Try out a new Fairtrade product. 

We’re taking steps to ensure we respond as a church to advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). Find out up-to-date info about what we are doing and also what we would ask you to do.

If you are new to Woodlands, we'd love to help you discover more about us and what we do. We want to invite you for a Newcomers Tea or Dinner and help you get connected.