Kingdom | Tim Dobson | 17th of April at 11am

As we move closer to Easter we want to take a look at the journey Jesus took as he teaches, acts, and responds to questions that all prepare us as well as his disciples for the meaning behind the journey.


April 17th Kingdom: Luke 23:42 onwards Easter Day. 

‘Jesus remember me when you come into your Kingdom’ 

‘Today- you will be with me in paradise’. 

The ‘coronation’ of Jesus is Good Friday, but the power of the Kingdom is expressed in freeing condemned sinners and giving them a place in paradise. That Kingdom power is expressed as inexhaustible life. The transformation of Cleopas and his companion on the road is a continuation of the power that touches the dying thief. It is taking us from despair to hope, so that like them ‘our hearts burn within us’ v 32.