10 Days of Prayer: 'Thy Kingdom Come' 10th-20th May


From May 10th-20th Woodies is joining in with 'Thy Kingdom Come' a global Prayer Movement initiated by the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Last year Christians from 85 countries and over 50 denominations joined in, praying intentionally  for friends, families, neighbour's, colleagues and communities, culminating on Pentecost Sunday.

One of the simple suggestions this year, is to choose 5 people to pray for every day during these 10 days to experience the love of Jesus.

Here at Woodies, we will be opening our Prayer Room which is themed around the Lord's Prayer from midday on Thursday 10th of May until midnight on Saturday 19thDo book a slot here.

We will also be gathering on Thursday 17th from 7.45-9.30 for a worship and prayer event. To pray those ancient Biblical prayers, 'Your kingdom Come...' and 'Come Holy Spirit' as we head to Pentecost.

Spread the word!