It's Christmas time in the city...

We would love you to join us in celebrating the story of Christmas with a whole month of special activities happening throughout December.

You may the kind of person who thinks "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday". Or that it's "The Most Wonderful Time of The Year. Or perhaps even just the thought of the busy season makes you long for just a "Silent Night".

There's no denying it "Christmas Time Is Here" - "Christmas Is All Around". So, dust off those baubles and start making those lists if you haven't done already!

"Last Christmas", we had a whole series of special events to help you "Step Into Christmas". And this year we've got a whole stocking full of things too.

This Christmas, we hope you have a "Wonderful Christmas Time". More than that though, we hope you discover and rediscover Jesus amongst the busyness of a festive Christmas season.

We are really excited to invite you along, whether you are familiar with church or not, everyone is welcome!

Find out more about all our events on our Christmas at Woodlands Church page.