Mothering Sunday: God's Will in a Crisis - Dave Mitchell

22nd March 2020 - 11am Service

God’s Will in a Crisis

1 Timothy 2:1-8

This is the first of our broadcasted services after the Coronavirus pandemic made us unable to meet face-to-face until further notice. It is before the lockdown and social distancing became mandatory.

For this service on Mothering Sunday, we hear from our senior pastor Dave Mitchell as he talks to us about God’s will to rescue and save us in a crisis. He reminds us that God does not want anyone to perish. He also talks about how we can respond to a global pandemic, by praying for our city and nation and the world. How we need to connect and encourage each other during these unprecedented times. And we need to help and serve people, being generous wherever possible, looking out for the most vulnerable people and those on the frontline.