volunteering — Woodies News — Woodlands Church

EASTER & HOLY WEEK: Celebrate with us 13th - 20th April


The Noise 2019

We are excited to announce the Noise weekend for 2019! Following on from the amazing time we had with hundreds of other Christians last year for Hope Bristol 2018, we are back again to the regular May Bank Holiday Noise weekend (4th-6th May). It will be the same kind of community action projects as last year in the more needy parts of Bristol alongside free family fun afternoons and activities for senior citizens.

We realise that the Bristol 10k has been moved to the same weekend, but we hope those taking part in Love Running, could find time to volunteer for the Noise too, as we see God’s love being shown to our city in practical ways. You can volunteer for one day or the whole weekend, you can book in as an individual, a group or a family. Visit the Noise website for more details, and let’s show the communities of Bristol that there is a God that loves them.