Both / And: Ruth & Samson | Rachel Riddall at 11am | 14th February 2021

What can we learn from ‘both/and’ characters in the Bible?

14 February 2021 - 11am Service

Both / And: Ruth & Samson

This Sunday we continue our preaching series Both / And with a message from Rachel Riddall on ‘Ruth / Samson’.

This February, we’ll be exploring some of the rich characterisation of people we don’t often look at from the Bible.

In particular, we’ll be focusing on issues raised in these contrasting personalities. The people we’re focusing on will show different examples of what ambition, leadership and servanthood looked like and how their own strengths and weaknesses affected them and those in their lives. 

Remember, our 7pm service will be looking at the same topic Luke Addison will be sharing with us. Check it out!


INTRODUCTION | Judges 14:2 & Ruth 1:16

Key thought: How do you leave a spiritual legacy?

Samson is a ‘hero’ figure with a call an anointing from birth. Ruth is from a country who are traditional enemies of Israel, she has lost her husband and as a childless widow might have been regarded as cursed. In the Old Testament, the first words that a person speaks in the narratives are clues to their character. This is so true of Samson.


  1. If weSamson is a miracle child. He is gifted. In what ways is he like John the Baptist? Luke 1:5-17 c.f. Judges 13:2-5.

  2. Ruth is a ‘foreigner’ and a widow. She doesn’t have power or status when arriving in Israel with her mother-in-law. In what ways does her character contrast and critique Samsons?

  3. How does the way they both handle their sexuality affect their spiritual legacy?

  4. Samson is a very famous biblical character. Ruth is much less well known and celebrated. Why? What is the legacy that Ruth & Samson leave in the history of the people of God?


Ruth & Samson make interesting comparisons.

  1. They both live in the period of the Judges in Israel’s history. They both represent

    surprisingly opposite characteristics around faithfulness and leadership.

  2. Samson should have everything going for him. Ruth’s life doesn’t seem to start

    with much blessing.

  3. True greatness and leadership are more to do with character and gift. God can

    work through vulnerability and apparent weakness where people have good hearts, than with showy strength and power. Let’s make sure that we discern true greatness in character as well as gift.

  4. How much does Christian celebrity culture focus on the things that speak of spiritual greatness, or do we celebrate the wrong things?