What can we expect as followers of Christ?
11th September
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
What can we expect as followers of Christ?
11th September
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
What can we expect as followers of Christ?
4th September
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
28th August
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
21st August
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
14th August
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
7th August
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
31st July
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
24th July
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
17th July
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
10th July
How did Jesus teach us to use the most famous prayer in history?
3rd July
On Sunday evenings throughout June, we will be considering a series called ‘Church – Boring, Hypocritical, Irrelevant?’
26th June
On Sunday evenings throughout June, we will be considering a series called ‘Church – Boring, Hypocritical, Irrelevant?’
19th June
On Sunday evenings throughout June, we will be considering a series called ‘Church – Boring, Hypocritical, Irrelevant?’
12th June
On Sunday evenings throughout June, we will be considering a series called ‘Church – Boring, Hypocritical, Irrelevant?’
5th June
On Sundays throughout May, we will be considering a series called ‘First Things First’, looking at our priorities in following Jesus.
29th May
On Sundays throughout May, we will be considering a series called ‘First Things First’, looking at our priorities in following Jesus.
22nd May
On Sundays throughout May, we will be considering a series called ‘First Things First’, looking at our priorities in following Jesus.
15th May
On Sundays throughout May, we will be considering a series called ‘First Things First’, looking at our priorities in following Jesus.
8th May
On Sundays throughout May, we will be considering a series called ‘First Things First’, looking at our priorities in following Jesus.
1st May
Woodlands Church, Belgrave Road, Bristol BS8 2AA