powerseries — Woodies News — Woodlands Church

TRY WHOLENESS! The course starts 25th February for 6 weeks.


Power & Authority | Rachel Riddall | 23rd July 2023 at 6.30pm

This July, our message series for Sunday evenings is looking at power and the kingdom of God. In particular, we’re looking at how power needs to be earthed in love, holiness and faith. From there, power and authority can work hand in hand and be imparted to us so we can lead spirit filled lives.

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Power & Authority | Rachel Riddall | 23rd July 2023 at 6.30pm
Woodies Podcast

Power & Vulnerability | Nigel Savage | 16th July 2023 at 6.30pm

This July, our message series for Sunday evenings is looking at power and the kingdom of God. In particular, we’re looking at how power needs to be earthed in love, holiness and faith. From there, power and authority can work hand in hand and be imparted to us so we can lead spirit filled lives.

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Power & Vulnerability | Nigel Savage | 16th July 2023 at 6.30pm
Woodies Podcast

Power & Holiness | Dave Mitchell | 9th July 2023 at 6.30pm

This July, our message series for Sunday evenings is looking at power and the kingdom of God. In particular, we’re looking at how power needs to be earthed in love, holiness and faith. From there, power and authority can work hand in hand and be imparted to us so we can lead spirit filled lives.

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Power & Holiness | Dave Mitchell | 9th July 2023 at 6.30pm
Woodies Podcast

Power & Love | Clare Thompson | 2nd July 2023 at 6.30pm

This July, our message series for Sunday evenings is looking at power and the kingdom of God. In particular, we’re looking at how power needs to be earthed in love, holiness and faith. From there, power and authority can work hand in hand and be imparted to us so we can lead spirit filled lives.

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Power & Love | Clare Thompson | 2nd July 2023 at 6.30pm
Woodies Podcast