Love Running Celebration

On 5th May 2019 over 250 people took part in the Bristol 10k as part of Love Running. Together we have raised over £70,000 for the poor, the oppressed & the needy. Once again, we're giving half of all we raise to global causes, focusing on Syrian Children Refugees, and the other half to local causes, addressing some of the areas of greatest need in Bristol.

Love Running is an incredible initiative that helps ordinary people do extraordinary things. It’s about engaging with our communities, making a difference to people’s lives, and doing ourselves some good while we’re at it.

This is the sixth time we've done Love Running in Bristol, and since we've started we've seen over 2,500 people running and raised more than £600,000 for those that need it the most.

Come join us and be part of something truly heroic.

Get fit. Get friends. Change the world.

Do watch our 2019 highlights video here:

Once again, we're giving half of all we raise to global causes, focusing on Syrian Children Refugees, and the other half to local causes, addressing some of the areas of greatest need in Bristol.

These are the charities working in key areas of Bristol need that we are planning to support:

Homelessness // Crisis Centre, Julian House/Trust, Home for Good

Vulnerable Women // Beloved, One25, Unseen, Spring of Hope

Community Projects // The Noise, Urban Pursuit

Single Parent Families // Reach

Asylum Seekers // City Fund, b.friend

Food Poverty // 5k Partnership

Prisoners & Ex-Offenders // Sixty One


If you would still like donate to Love Running - please visit the Love Running Website here.

Azeem Wazir

Azeem Wazir is the church cleaner at Woodlands Church & is due to be deported to Pakistan on the 10th May. As a Pakistani Catholic he was accused of 'dishonouring the religion of Islam, prophets, Quran and Muhammad' and a fatwah was placed against him because of his protests against the Blasphemy law and his involvement in the campaign 'Stop Killing Christians'. Azeem has been targeted by Islamic extremists in Pakistan and has left family and a prosperous lifestyle in 2015 in fear of his life. His wife who is still in Pakistan have continued to receive threats against Azim including unknown people firing weapons outside their home and stoning the building.

If Azeem is deported this week his family expect him to be incarcerated and  charged with blasphemy which carries the death penalty. Azeem's own fear is that Islamic extremist networks will arrange for his murder.

Here in Bristol in the UK Azeem has proved himself a warm and loving member of the community and has served in local Church and community life. We believe the Home Office needs to take account of the serious persecution Azeem and people like him face at a time when  (according to the report released this week by the Bishop of Truro)  Christians are identified as the most persecuted group in the world today.

We ask for Azeem to be released from Colnbrook detention centre and given time to build a proper case for his right to remain in the U.K.

Please sign the petition to raise awareness of Azeem’s case & help him stay in the UK:


Summer Guide

Our new Summer Guide is here!!

It contains everything that you need to know this term, from when Bible School is to Summer Alpha dates to joining a team at Woodies!

Do pick one up from the Info Desk in the Foyer, or download a digital copy here.