Strength Bible School - Women in Ministry, 4th June

We have some amazing women leaders and preachers in our church, but how do we take the Bible seriously and understand what it says about the role of women within church and in particular interpret some of Paul’s writing in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy where he seems to put restrictions on women.

On Tuesday evening (4th June, 7.45pm) we will be running the first of our Summer Strength Bible School evenings looking at the topic of “Women in ministry”. We will look at the way Jesus treated and related to women and consider two principles of biblical interpretation that will help us be inspired as we see how women should be released to serve God wholeheartedly.

All welcome, so do join us in the Foyer this Tuesday

Event details can be found here


Join us for our annual Woodlands Group of Churches Thanksgiving Evening on Tues 18th June at 7.45pm. It’s an evening when we come together to hear amazing stories of what God has done and to give thanks for all that God is doing.

Parables: The Kingdom - Angela Moseley (8am Podcast)


May 19th: Parables: The Kingdom (Matthew 13v31-34, 44-45; Matthew 20v1-16; Matthew 22v1-14)

During the three years of Jesus' preaching ministry, he seemed to have a holy obsession with the Kingdom of God. He only mentions Church twice, but talks about the Kingdom over 100 times. He is so desperate for his disciple to understand what the kingdom is all about that in the 40 days between his resurrection and ascension, we are told in Act 1v3, what he chose to teach them about was "the Kingdom of God". The rule and reign of God's kingdom in our world is such an amazing thing that Jesus frequently used parables to help people fully understand all the wonderful attributes of the Kingdom and reorientate their lives around kingdom priorities. We are going to look at a few of Jesus' kingdom parables tonight. Download Discussion notes

Parables: The Kingdom - David Mitchell (11am Podcast)


May 19th: Parables: The Kingdom (Matthew 13v31-34, 44-45; Matthew 20v1-16; Matthew 22v1-14)

During the three years of Jesus' preaching ministry, he seemed to have a holy obsession with the Kingdom of God. He only mentions Church twice, but talks about the Kingdom over 100 times. He is so desperate for his disciple to understand what the kingdom is all about that in the 40 days between his resurrection and ascension, we are told in Act 1v3, what he chose to teach them about was "the Kingdom of God". The rule and reign of God's kingdom in our world is such an amazing thing that Jesus frequently used parables to help people fully understand all the wonderful attributes of the Kingdom and reorientate their lives around kingdom priorities. We are going to look at a few of Jesus' kingdom parables tonight. Download Discussion notes

Parables: The Kingdom - Tim Dobson (7pm Podcast)


May 19th: Parables: The Kingdom (Matthew 13v31-34, 44-45; Matthew 20v1-16; Matthew 22v1-14)

During the three years of Jesus' preaching ministry, he seemed to have a holy obsession with the Kingdom of God. He only mentions Church twice, but talks about the Kingdom over 100 times. He is so desperate for his disciple to understand what the kingdom is all about that in the 40 days between his resurrection and ascension, we are told in Act 1v3, what he chose to teach them about was "the Kingdom of God". The rule and reign of God's kingdom in our world is such an amazing thing that Jesus frequently used parables to help people fully understand all the wonderful attributes of the Kingdom and reorientate their lives around kingdom priorities. We are going to look at a few of Jesus' kingdom parables tonight. Download Discussion notes

Parables: The Kingdom - Tim Dobson

May 19th: Parables: The Kingdom (Matthew 13v31-34, 44-45; Matthew 20v1-16; Matthew 22v1-14)

During the three years of Jesus' preaching ministry, he seemed to have a holy obsession with the Kingdom of God. He only mentions Church twice, but talks about the Kingdom over 100 times. He is so desperate for his disciple to understand what the kingdom is all about that in the 40 days between his resurrection and ascension, we are told in Act 1v3, what he chose to teach them about was "the Kingdom of God". The rule and reign of God's kingdom in our world is such an amazing thing that Jesus frequently used parables to help people fully understand all the wonderful attributes of the Kingdom and reorientate their lives around kingdom priorities. We are going to look at a few of Jesus' kingdom parables tonight. Download Discussion notes

Parables: The Kingdom - David Mitchell

May 19th: Parables: The Kingdom (Matthew 13v31-34, 44-45; Matthew 20v1-16; Matthew 22v1-14)

During the three years of Jesus' preaching ministry, he seemed to have a holy obsession with the Kingdom of God. He only mentions Church twice, but talks about the Kingdom over 100 times. He is so desperate for his disciple to understand what the kingdom is all about that in the 40 days between his resurrection and ascension, we are told in Act 1v3, what he chose to teach them about was "the Kingdom of God". The rule and reign of God's kingdom in our world is such an amazing thing that Jesus frequently used parables to help people fully understand all the wonderful attributes of the Kingdom and reorientate their lives around kingdom priorities. We are going to look at a few of Jesus' kingdom parables tonight. Download Discussion notes

Financial Support for Azeem Wazir

Thank you for your support for Azeem which has encouraged him enormously. A new legal team is working on Azeem's case. It is likely they will push for a Judicial review. Azeem remains in detention with a bail hearing confirmed for 14th May but this is unlikely to be successful without the judicial review. We have had some generous donations via the Church but are looking to crowdfund a fighting fund via the Church website to bring the best expertise we can to this case.

If you would like to give towards this fighting fund please go to our giving page and select ‘Support Azeem Wazir’ from the dropdown menu.
