Captive: Had Enough? | Laura Harris | 13th February at 7pm

Many people feel that their heart, mind, and even bodies are held captive by threats of anxiety, fear, depression and loneliness. This series is about some common threats to mental health and well-being and how we can arm ourselves to fight for our freedom. Jesus approached those trapped in fear and hopelessness with compassion and empathy but also hope and the offer of freedom. Mental and emotional distress is often something that gets people searching for God how can we present a message of compassion whilst helping people to access the hope and freedom that Jesus offers?

13th of February - 7pm Service

Had enough? | 1 Kings 19 & many Psalms!

Mental illness is not a rare thing. One in four people experience mental health issues like depression during their lifetime. Christians are not exempt and several psalms seem to circle around themes of depression, anxiety, guilt and fear but despite this there is still stigma around mental health problems and churches can be one of the worst places to experience mental health struggles. In the story of Elijah: after a series of dramatic miracles, encounters with God and tricky experiences Elijah runs out of steam and becomes so depressed he wants to die (“I’ve had enough!”) But God meets him in the desert, and the divine care plan is: food, rest, honesty, company, & the presence of God.

What causes Elijah’s breakdown?

(1 Kings 18-19: 5) What understanding do we have of what contributes to mental health? What does extended periods of stress, fear and performance orientation do to a human being?

How does God meet Elijah in his mental health crisis?

( 5-9 ) Are there other examples in scripture of this kind of practical care? How can we show compassion, empathy, wisdom for those in this place? What role does the community of the church have in this area? Is it ‘unspiritual’ to recommend that someone simply sees their doctor for a check up?

How does God begin to lead Elijah out of the valley?

(9-14) God begins to get Elijah to unburden himself. How do the Psalms and other scriptures help us give voice to our fears, failings and forebodings? What can we do to walk alongside people in distress? Where in church life are the places of welcome for those who are struggling and overwhelmed? Eg Home groups, Wholeness, Open access, Head Space, New ID, ME support groups.