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over the next few weeks We will be learning about people from the old testament.
this week we focus on…
You can find the story of Gideon in Judges 7
Today we look at the story of Gideon. Gideon didn’t feel like he was big enough or good enough for the huge task ahead of Him! But he trusted God and listened to God, and an army of 300 was able to defeat the full Midianite army!
Time to Think
What was unexpected about the way that Gideon and his men won the battle?
What was the reason Gideon won the battle?
Do you think it was difficult for Gideon to trust God?
Do you think Gideon was glad that he had trusted God?
Do you find it easy to trust God?
Is there anything you need to trust God with at the moment?
Gideon and his army must have felt as small as we do sometimes, but God was really interested in them and won a mighty victory through them. Can you think of situations where you have felt small or as if you are facing a big army? God will be with you in those situations if you ask Him.
Tiny Treasures have been learning about Noah this week.
Enjoy a fantastic retelling of the story of Noah by the Crow family!
Dear God,
Please be with me when I feel like I can’t do things. Help me with Your strength,