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this week we focus on…
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Elisha had trust and faith in God to pass on God's words to Naaman, and to believe that God would heal Naaman as God had promised. Elisha showed great trust and obedience in God. He was also brave as Naaman was an important man politically – any mistake could have been disastrous.
Elisha was Elijah’s apprentice. He also heard from God. He was a prophet. Remember, back before God sent Jesus, not everyone could hear directly from God. But we can! Anyway, Elisha also helped others encounter God. This time, he wasn’t even directly involved with the man! But, in this story there are 3 people who help Naaman meet with God. Listen to the story and tell me if you can work out who they are!
Time to Think
Naaman spent a lot of time deciding whether he should stay on the bank or jump into the river seven times to be cleansed. In the end Naaman obeyed Elisha's instructions and was healed.
In the story today, there were many people who helped Naaman by pointing him to God or people who could hear from God.
· Who told Naaman about Elisha? (His little servant girl)
· What might have happened to Naaman if she hadn't told him about Elisha? (He might have died)
· Did Naaman want to wash in the Jordan? (No, he wanted to do something grander, not wash in a dirty river!)
· Did God heal him? (Yes because Naaman did what God told him to)
Explain that both the servant girl and Elisha Totally Trusted God. They knew God had good things to give to people. We can totally trust God to help and bless us. We can ask God to give good things to other people too.
Ask them to sit quietly and ask God to show them someone or something He would like them to pray for, before sitting down and doodling their prayer to God.
Have some sheets of paper, and colouring pens.
Suggest that as a way of praying the children doodle the name of someone they would like to pray for, or a situation e.g. school, on the piece of paper. The children can then decorate the paper in whatever way they wish – but in silence. They can pray and listen to the music as they doodle. A way of staying in God's presence and bringing a situation to God.
We can trust God to help us. Ask the children to think of one thing that God could help them with and then pray with them asking for God's help and His blessing.