Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.
This week we are thinking about…
Fruits of the Spirit: goodness
Do you know what the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ are? You can read about them in Galatians 5:22-23.
These fruits aren’t actual fruit, they are ways of acting or being that is pleasing to God. When we spend time with God by praying and reading the bible the Holy Spirit helps grow these fruits within us.
Time to Think
What do you think of when someone says goodness? Sometimes we think of goodness as something a bit boring or like things that we’re supposed to do, (but don’t always want to) like tidying up after ourselves, being nice to our brother or sister or doing homework on time.
What does the bible tell us about what is good?
Check out what Ellie has to say about goodness on our video below (you can skip to 8 minutes 30 seconds for the talk) I think sometimes we forget to do things we know we should because we are in a rush. Try slowing down this week and think about how things you do affect others.
Welcome to our Woodies Kids video! Join Ruth and Lydia this week for a fun-packed episode. We chat to Ellie about what goodness is.
Here’s a game you could play with your family!
Dear God,
Thankyou for all the things you do for us. Help me to stop and think about how you would like me to act towards other people