Woodies Kids | Self Control (Fruits of the Spirit week 9)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

This week we are thinking about…

Fruits of the Spirit:

Self Control

Do you know what the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ are? You can read about them in Galatians 5:22-23.

These fruits aren’t actual fruit, they are ways of acting or being that is pleasing to God. When we spend time with God by praying and reading the bible the Holy Spirit helps grow these fruits within us.

This week we are thinking about self control, watch Zoe’s talk (and a fun experiment with a doughnut!!!) on the video below, it starts at 7 mins 40 seconds if you want to skip straight to it.

Welcome to our Woodies Kids video! Join Ruth and Lydia this week for a fun-packed episode. We chat to Zoe about what self-control is.

Time to Think

What situations have you been in when you suddenly realise that you have done or said something you shouldn’t have? How about next time you find yourself in that situation stop and ask God to help you make a good decision about how you will act.

Don’t worry if you get things wrong, we all do. The good news is God is BIGGER than our problems. Here is an activity we did during prayer week that might be a good visual way to say sorry for things that have caused hurt or come between us and out relationship with God.

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Dear God,

Remind me to ask for your help when I am in a situation and don’t know how best to act. Forgive me for the times when my words or actions have caused others to hurt.

Thankyou for always loving me,
