Working for the Man | Luke Addison | 20th March at 7pm

On Sunday evenings in March, we begin a short series called ‘Living in Babylon’.

March 22nd

Matthew 20: 1-16. Ephesians 6:5-9 Summary.

Useful and creative work predated the fall in the book of Genesis. Mankind was given the earth to steward. ‘Painful toil’ is a symptom of fallenness and a breaking of God’s original design for fruitfulness. Work is celebrated is scripture however both as a creative act, and a place for provision for human flourishing. In the New Testament the relationship of work, authority and the relationship between master and servant are important issues.

The ’protestant work ethic’ may be derived from Paul’s strong words about work (2 Thessalonians 3:10 ‘If a man will not work he shall not eat’ for example).

Questions for discussion

As Christians how do we bring our work into our discipleship? Do we celebrate the influence and fulfilment work brings? Do Churches over celebrate ‘Christian ministry vocations’ at the expense of the market work place?

When is work vocation or toil?

What work culture should we aspire to? What should make us as Christians distinctive in the workplace?

  1. How do we relate to bosses, peers and those we employ or manage?

  2. How much is work for our sake and fulfilment, how much simply to provide for

    ourselves and others? Why are some people ‘workaholics’?

  3. What does good work life balance look like for Christians? What are the tensions

    between the demands of work and the demands of Church?