Both / And: Judas & Mary | Laura Harris at 7pm | 21st February 2021

What can we learn from ‘both/and’ characters in the Bible?

21 February 2021 - 7pm Service

Both / And: Judas & Mary

This Sunday we continue our current preaching series Both / And with a message from Laura Harris on ‘Judas & Mary’.

This February, we’ll be exploring some of the rich characterisation of people we don’t often look at from the Bible.

In particular, we’ll be focusing on issues raised in these contrasting personalities. The people we’re focusing on will show different examples of what ambition, leadership and servanthood looked like and how their own strengths and weaknesses affected them and those in their lives. 

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Dave Mitchell speak on the same topic. Go check it out!


INTRODUCTION | John 12: 1-8 | Mark 14:10-12 | Luke 1:26-56 | Luke 2:19

Key thought: The power of a secret history

We don’t know much about Judas, and his motives for betraying Jesus remain a subject of conjecture. We know more about Mary and she is there at the beginning of Jesus’s story (obviously) and there too at the end of his life, with characteristic faithfulness even though she must often have been wrestling with trying to understand the ways of God in the life of her Son. There are indications however for both Judas & Mary of their secret history which may have affected their actions.


  1. What is Judas’ secret history? John 12:6? How do you think this may have contributed to his betrayal of Jesus?

  2. What was Mary’s secret history? (Luke 2:19, Luke 2:35) How do you think this contributed to her actions?

  3. How do we build a positive secret history (Mathew 6 gives a picture)?

  4. How do we avoid a negative secret history (Acts 8:18-24)?

  5. Do you have a secret history with God? How does it affect the external way you live your life? Is your secret history made up of past things you ponder on, or current intimacies with Him?

  6. If you don’t have a strong secret history with God, do you have an alternative secret history in your inner life? Most people have one. It could be a fantasy about being a professional sportsperson, a romantic fantasy, a self-image thing that gives colour to your world view. Ask yourself is your secret history good, neutral or destructive?


A secret history defines us. It’s about the heart. It’s powerful for good or evil. A positive secret history sustains faith (in the same way that a positive romantic/sexual relationship- not visible to any but the couple sustains a marriage). A negative secret history causes faith to crumble (as a secret affair destroys a marriage).