February EcoChallenge: Support Fairtrade

For our February EcoChallenge, Woodlands People & Planet are asking us to all get involved with Fairtrade Fortnight 2022. Learn more about Fairtrade and get involved from 21 February to 6 March 2022.

It’s only fair!

Fairtrade is how we should do trade all the time, but once a year, the world shines a spotlight on the importance of paying a fair price to people and communities in the far-flung places across the world, who mine our gold, grow our food and drinks, make our clothes and a myriad of other products.

As Jesus Followers we want to be a part of a just world, where all humans are equal, have access to work, fair pay, education, food, health and other resources – these are basic human rights after all. But we know that in reality, the most vulnerable communities in developing countries are exploited everyday and do not earn enough to take care of their families, access medical care and many of the things we take for granted here. 

Fairtrade seeks to redress the trading and power imbalance that the Global North through the mechanism of multinational corporations have over the Global South by distributing profits more equitably by paying a fair price for raw materials and goods. By practicing Fairtrade, we can help to transform the lives of millions of people simply buying Fairtrade products online and instore.  

The truth is we can all make a difference, just by tweaking our buying habits, because a little bit goes a long way if we all join in. A good place to start is by celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight which takes place from 21 February to 6 March 2022. The theme this year is Choose the World you Want

There are other ways to celebrate Fairtrade too, why not visit the Fairtrade UK website and read about their efforts to secure a living wage for cocoa farmers, the UK chocolate industry is worth £4 billion but too little of this makes its way to the farmers.

There are lots of way you can contribute to Fairtrade’s work - here are some ideas:

Fairtrade doesn’t have to stop here, once Fairtrade Fortnight is over, why not add at least one Fairtrade product to your regular shopping list? Bananas, tea and chocolate are easy ones!

To explore how to live a more sustainable life and support equity and human rights, join People + Planet, we meet to pray, share ideas and take action. We are activists for Jesus. 


If you’d be interested in finding out more about the Woodlands People + Planet group, or have some feedback about the challenges, connect with us: