Love One Another Series

Love One Another Series

This June, our message series will be looking at love and relationships from a Christian perspective. The Church witnesses to the nature of God and His Kingdom most when it is filled with love. How can we love one another the way Jesus commanded us to?

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week:

  • 6th June: Don’t Judge
    How do we demonstrate mercy and avoid judging others?

  • 13th June: Loving the World
    How can we celebrate being one body, one Church? It’s Global Partners Weekend!

  • 20th June: Kingdom Love
    How are we doing loving one another with a Kingdom perspective?

  • 27th June: Restoration
    How do we restore broken relationships, in the Church and individually?

If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download the Love One Another Discussion Notes.