
Dinner with Jesus Series

Dinner with Jesus Series

As we lead up to Easter we are looking at Jesus in the gospels through the lens of meals he shared with people. We get to see Jesus’ heart toward others and how He used meals to minister to those around Him. Meals welcome others into our lives and help others feel invited and included.

This seven week series will help us see how we can use meals, like Jesus did, to reach out and connect to those around us. In our discussion notes below, we’ve included a handful of questions for you to discuss as a group as well as a challenge to apply the teaching in a practical way each week.

Our talks in this series will look at the following topics:

  • 16th March – Supper with Sinners

  • 23rd March – Would you like a fish sandwich?

  • 30th March – The Uninvited Guest

  • 6th April – Who’s coming to the dinner party?

  • 13th April – One Last Meal Together

  • 20th April – Easter Sunday

  • 27th April – Breakfast on the Beach 

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week.

See you on Sundays or catchup on the livesteam!


16 March at 11am: Dave Mitchell

16 March at 6.30pm: Tim Dobson & Ella Harbord

23 March at 11am: Rachel Riddall

23 March at 6.30pm: Rachel Riddall

Prophecy Mini-Series

Prophecy Mini-Series

As a charismatic church, from time to time we press in on teaching around our values on the work of the Spirit and the kingdom of God. Last year, we focused on healing and this March we are looking at prophecy.

We are a prophetic people and we are all encouraged to pursue the gift of prophecy. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 14 - “...eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy."

This mini-series over two weeks will explore the prophetic:

  • What do we mean when we talk about prophecy?

  • How do we discern and weigh prophecy?

We hope that these talks will help us find our way forward as individuals and as a community.

Talks in this mini-series are titled:

  • 2nd March: The water we swim in

  • 9th March: Test everything

Watch this 90-second video with Dave Mitchell explaining the vision for the series.

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week.

See you on Sundays or catchup on the livesteam!


Clare Thompson | 2 March 2025 at 11am

Nigel Savage | 2 March 2025 at 6.30pm

Seasons of the Soul Series

Seasons of the Soul Series

Finding God in every season of life

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.
- Ecclesiastes

We all love to be in seasons of prospering, success and fruitfulness, where we sense God’s blessing on what we are doing. Of course! Most of us have also experienced seasons of suffering too, where external pressures or internal pressures can impact our sense of well-being and make us question what our lives are meant to look like. Seasons come and go and these ancient words from the book of Ecclesiastes tell us that all of this is normal human experience. It may be more accurate to say that parts of our lives can appear to be in different seasons - whilst one thing is dying, another may be coming to life.  Age sometimes seems to correlate with seasons, maturity bringing fruit into our lives that was elusive in younger years.

One idea that can help us navigate the ebb and flow of blessing and hardship in our lives is the idea that just as there are seasons in nature, our lives can follow similar patterns. A winter season can look very dark but God may be at work in the darkness doing essential work in us. Work we can cooperate with or resist. Some people talk about the ‘seasons of the soul’  --  if you had to choose the one you are currently in, what would you say?

This series is called Seasons of the Soul and is all about finding God in every season of life. The series is really asking the question ‘What is God doing in your lifeat the moment? How can you cooperate with the work of the Spirit in your life as he seeks to renew and heal your mind and body to make you more like Jesus?’ We want to give you an opportunity to think, reflect and pray about where you are at with God and allow him to work in the deeps of your soul.

Here’s what we’re hearing about each week in our messages on Sundays:

  • Winter - 2nd February

  • Spring – 9th February

  • Summer – 16th February

  • Autumn – 23rd February

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week. This also includes recommended reading and signing up for our Wholeness Course as well:


Winter | 2nd Feb 2025 at 11am

Spring | 9th Feb 2025 at 11am

Summer | 16th Feb at 11am

Autumn | 23rd Feb at 11am

Winter | 2nd Feb 2025 at 6.30pm

Spring | 9th Feb 2025 at 6.30pm

Summer | 16th Feb at 6.30pm

Autumn | 23rd Feb at 6.30pm

Immanuel Series

Immanuel Series

God with us

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
- Isaiah 7:14

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name
Immanuel, which means, God with us.
- Matthew 1:23

People often go home for Christmas. No matter how many messages, virtual meetings, or posted cards and gifts - there is nothing like someone’s actual physical presence in the room. When someone you love comes home, tears often flow. Human beings are wired for this — we are reassured and filled with joy by touching, hearing and seeing someone in our time and space. When Jesus entered into human history he entered our reality, our circumstances, our families, our work lives, our most secret and public lives. And it changed everything.

Perhaps still reeling from the experience he had just been through John started his letter with these words about Jesus: We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of life.
- 1 John 1:1 NLT

C. S Lewis called earth ‘the visited planet’. This Christmas amongst the busyness and festivities we are taking time to ponder again the profound mystery of Jesus entry into our world. He is “Immanuel” which means “God is with us”.

Here’s what we’re hearing about each week in our messages on Sundays:

  • 1st December: God With Us

  • 8th December: Peace Bringer

  • 15th December: Life Giver

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week. This also includes recommended reading and a video to watch as well:


What's So Amazing About Grace? Series

What’s So Amazing About Grace? Series

What does living in God’s grace look like?

Grace is the foundation for so much of the Christian life.

In John’s gospel, we read:
’From his fullness we have all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.’

We live in a time where ideas around grace and truth are hotly debated. This series explores how the bible’s ancient wisdom is still relevant, powerful and essential, as we navigate following Jesus in our complex world.

Here’s what we’re hearing about each week in our messages on Sundays:

  • 3rd November: My Truth Your Truth

  • 10th November: Amazing Grace

  • 17th November: The Grace Givers

  • 24th November: 21st Century Grace

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week. This also includes recommended reading and a video to watch as well:


Coming soon!

The Way Series

The Way Series

Thoughts on being a disciple and follower of Jesus

How did Jesus make disciples?

Jesus’ priority was to make disciples who made disciples. The challenge to make disciples of ‘all nations’ was one given to the Church - and it is still our mission 2,000 years later. So we’re exploring what is a disciple, how do we become one and help others along The Way?

We’ll be looking at how Jesus made disciples so we can learn from his ancient ways in how we live our life today. Here’s what we’re hearing about each week in our messages on Sundays:

  • 6th October: Follow

  • 13th October: Close

  • 20th October: Act

  • 27th October: Gather

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week. This also includes recommended reading and videos to watch as well:


Jesus Stories Series

Jesus Stories Series

Unpacking Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

Our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Here’s what we’ll be talking about each week on Sunday…

  • 1st September: Seeds of Faith

  • 8th September: On This Rock

  • 15th September: Lost Sheep & Little Ones

  • 22nd September: Unmerciful Servant

  • 29th September: The Kingdom of God is a Party

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week. This also includes recommended reading and videos to watch as well:


Influencers Series

Influencers Series


This August, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage. This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served. 

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 4th August: Ruth

  • 11th August: Esther

  • 18th August: Mary (Mother of Jesus)

  • 25th August: Mary & Martha

Because our midweek groups take a break in August, instead of providing discussion notes, we’re recommending two books that will help you go deeper with the series content.

Tell Her Story by Nijay Gupta
How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church

Better Together by Danielle Strickland
How Women and Men Can Heal the Divide and Work Together to Transform the Future


All In Series

All In Series

A call to action

This July we’re looking at what it means to be all in for Jesus! Our vision for the Woodlands Church Family is to see our city transformed by the love and power of God. In order to realise this shared mission, each of us needs to feel empowered, equipped and understand the vital part we each play in God’s unfolding plans for our city. This series will unpack our Woodies value of ‘every member a minister’ and the radical call of discipleship from the Bible.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 7th July: Called

  • 14th July: Equipped

  • 21th July: Gifted

  • 28rd July: Transformed

You can also go deeper with the topics using the series Discussion Notes….download a PDF copy below.


Groundbreaking Series

Groundbreaking Series

Breaking new ground in reaching our City

In June, we’re focusing on what ‘reproducing the life of Jesus’ really means for us as a church. One aspect is Churches reproducing Churches, which is both a strategy of multiplication and a sign of life. This series will help us think about the place of Church planting in God’s plans to redeem humanity, and what that means for us in Bristol.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 2nd June: Church Planting

  • 9th June: All Nations (Global Partners Weekend)

  • 16th June: Brave

  • 23rd June: Visionary

  • 30th June: United

You can also go deeper with the topics using the series notes. Download a copy below.


Following Jesus Today Series

Following Jesus Today Series

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus in today’s world?

In April and May, we’re asking the question, “What does it look like to follow Jesus in every area of your life?”. We’ll be reflecting on what the Bible says around important areas of life including money, community, relationships and witness.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

Money Talks
What is your relationship with money like? How can we cultivate positive attitudes towards money and healthy financial practices?

  • 14th April: Generosity

  • 21st April: Debt & Stewardship

Connected Community
God’s plan from the very beginning was for us to work together in unity and harmony, looking after each other and the world we live in. How can we build thriving communities and feel connected to one another?

  • 28th April: Creation Care

  • 5th May: Christian Community

  • 12th May: Holy Relationships

Discipleship & The Spirit
Are you walking in step with the Spirit? What does it look like to be bold and confident in your witness as a follower of Jesus?

  • 19th May: Baptism in the Spirit (Pentecost)

  • 26th May: Witnesses

You can also go deeper with the topics using the series notes. Download a copy below.


Stories from John Series

Stories from John Series

Our series looking at John’s gospel examines key encounters people had with Jesus in the last phase of his ministry as we lead up to Easter.

This March and April, we want you to come on a six-week journey through John’s stories about how Jesus interacts with significant people. We’ll be looking at everything from healing and miracles, to worship and discipleship, how he dealt with deception and despair, then ultimately hope and new beginnings.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 3rd March: Healing the Blind Man

  • 10th March: Jesus and Lazarus (Praying for Healing Service)

  • 17th March: Jesus and Mary

  • 24th March: Jesus and Judas (Palm Sunday)

  • 31st March: Jesus in the Garden (Easter Sunday)

  • 7th April: Jesus and Peter

You can also go deeper with the topics using the series notes. Download a copy below.


Grand Designs Series for February

Grand Design Series

"Understanding your identity in Christ is absolutely essential to your success at living the victorious Christian life.”
Neil Anderson

This February, we want you to come on a journey of well-being and wholeness as we dive into a new series about understanding our identity in God.

The search for identity and belonging is a preoccupation for many people in the 21st century. Exploring ‘who I am’ is a great question for followers of Jesus, but the answer may be different to the prevailing spirit of our age.

It’s a counter cultural idea that our identity is rooted in a relationship with another and a facet of our relationship with God rather than something that we ‘own’ and can shape. Lost at the fall, a new and healed identity is one of the things Jesus came to restore.

Our sense of identity can have a profound affect on our sense of personal value and calling, our ability to overcome life’s challenges and our mental and emotional health.

Over this series, we will be looking at three aspects of the rich identity that God gives to all his people and look at how it helps us to deepen our relationship with God, work out our personal sense of identity and find wholeness, peace and purpose in the world.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 4th February: Child

  • 11th February: Citizen

  • 18th February: Friend

We are also running our Wholeness course starting on 13th February, which we encourage you to sign up for. Its runs over six consecutive Tuesday evenings.

You can also go deeper with the topics using the series notes. Download a copy below.


Prayer Series for January

Prayer Series

As we go into the New Year this January, our focus is on seeking to grow in our own personal prayer life. We’ll be celebrating our annual Prayer Week as Woodlands Church Family and our Sunday series will provide guidance on what the Bible says about how to pray, fast and connect with God.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 7th January: Give Yourself to God

  • 14th January: Good Habits

  • 21st January: Discern, Obey & Pray


Blessed Series for November

Blessed Series

For November, our series Blessed will be looking at the Beatitudes in Matthew from Jesus' sermon on the mount. Jesus embodied these states of being and we can follow his example in our daily attitudes and actions. 

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week:

  • 5th November: Poor

  • 12th November: Powerless

  • 19th November: Pure

  • 26th November: Persecuted


This Same Jesus Series for October

This Same Jesus Series

This October, we’re looking at the book of Acts which begins with Jesus ascending to heaven and a promise from angels that this same Jesus will return. The rest of the book depicts the Church carrying on the ministry of 'this same Jesus' in the same way that He had demonstrated the nature of God's Kingdom in his incarnate life.

We are in that great tradition of following and demonstrating that same Jesus, and our series in Acts is something of a blueprint for His Church to follow in our own time as we point to the one who is the same 'yesterday, today and forever.'

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week:

  • 1st October: Jesus in Acts

  • 8th October: Living with Mystery

  • 15th October: Everyone Gets to Play

  • 22nd October: Listening to God


Both/And Series for September

Both/And Series

This September, our preaching series called 'Both And' will help us set vision for the term ahead. The series acknowledges we have diversity and nuance in much of what we think about God, theology and Church practice…and that actually this is a strength of our community, not a weakness.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week:

  • 3rd September: Creative Tension

  • 10th September: A Both/And Church

  • 17th September: Both/And Spirituality

  • 24th September: Now and Not Yet


Philippians Series for August

The Book of Philippians Series

This August, we're looking the book of Philippians. While in prison, Paul wrote one of the most encouraging letters in all the Bible. Reading a chapter a week, we'll be exploring how to live with a God-given purpose in the midst of everything life throws at us. Choosing joy, no matter what.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week:

  • 6th August: Philippians 1
    For me to live is Christ, to die is gain

  • 13th August: Philippians 2
    He emptied himself

  • 20th August: Philippians 3
    Pressing on

  • 27th August: Philippians 4
    Rejoice in the Lord always


Power Series for July Evenings

Power Series

This July, our message series for Sunday evenings is looking at power and the kingdom of God. In particular, we’re looking at how power needs to be earthed in love, holiness and faith. From there, power and authority can work hand in hand and be imparted to us so we can lead spirit filled lives.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week:

  • 2th July: Power & Love
    What does the Bible say about love being the foundation of power?

  • 9th July: Power & Holiness
    What is power ministry? How can we enable good practice?

  • 16th July: Power & Faith
    Why does power come at times of crisis and risk? How are we vulnerable?

  • 23rd July: Power & Authority
    How is power given to us and made useful in witnessing to others?

  • 30th July: Power & Impartation
    How do we tap into the power of the Kingdom?


Bible Zoomed Out Series for July Mornings

The Bible Zoomed Out Series

This July, our message series for Sunday mornings will be looking at the Bible from the beginning to end. We want to look at the big picture to help us grasp what the Bible is all about. We’re breaking it down into five acts. This series will include foundational teaching around the creation of man, God’s chosen people, the foretelling and coming of Christ, his followers and ultimately the return of Jesus.

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week:

  • 2th July: Act I - Origins
    What does Genesis tell us about God’s creation?

  • 9th July: Act II - Covenant People
    Do we understand what the Old Testament tells us about God’s chosen people?

  • 16th July: Act III - Jesus
    Who is the son of David and what does his life and death mean to us?

  • 23rd July: Act IV - Kingdom Community
    What can we learn from the New Testament about Jesus’ followers and their mission?

  • 30th July: Act V - New Heaven, New Earth
    What does Revelation tell us about the return of Jesus and eternity?