
Tiny Treasures Toddlers

At Woodlands Church, our very popular Tiny Treasures Toddlers group meets weekly on Wednesdays, from 10am to 11.30am during term time.

Our friendly and relaxed church-run toddler group is a great place for parents / primary carers to meet one another and enjoy time with their babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

We are looking forward to getting to know you and your little one/s better. Our hope is that we can support and encourage you during your mornings with us.

Many of our Tiny Treasures team are volunteers from Woodlands Church and anyone on the team will always be ready to listen and pray for you if you would like that.

At Tiny Treasures toddlers we will:

  • Provide a safe and happy environment for children to play, learn and interact.

  • Be a welcoming place for all parents and carers to make friends and feel supported.

  • Show the love of God in our community.

  • Care for the whole child and parent/carer – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

What to expect

On arrival, you will be greeted by a member of our welcome team. If you’re new, they will ask you to fill out a registration form.

A donation of £2.50 per family with up to two children, then 50p for each additional child. If cost is prohibitive for you, please speak to a member of the team.

Please park your buggies on the far side in the Main Hall towards the rear.

Tea and Coffee:
Hot drinks are available throughout the morning - any time you would like! Please bring a keep cup with a lid to keep all the little ones safe, and make sure to have a chat with our friendly refreshments team!

Snack time:
Snacks will be served at 10.45am in the foyer. Please keep snacks out of the main hall and do let us know if your child has any allergies or intolerances. It would help our refreshments team if you could clear your cups and plates after snack time.

Nappy changing facilities can be found in the Disabled toilet at the rear of the main hall.

In case of fire:
In the event of a continuous fire alarm sounding, please leave the building by your nearest exit with your children and assemble at the assembly point across the road.

Eyes Peeled!:
Our team will always keep a watchful eye on children as they play, however children will always remain the full responsibility of their parent/carer at all times.

Tidy Up Time:
It would really help us if you could help tidy the toys when the bell sounds for tidy up time.

Singing Time:
We love singing and dancing! We finish each session with a time of singing and story telling. Once a term we will a focus this around a specific holiday or event and one of our church team will join us.

Join our Parent Team:
We would love some parent volunteers on our team. This may mean that you help with setting out the toys, bake for snack time, facilitate craft, sweep the hall or even help lead the singing. Please speak to a member of the team if you are able to help in any way.

The Last Word:
Wondering why our logo is a pearl, or why we are called Tiny Treasures Toddlers? We believe that your children are treasures, loved and valued by God.

In the Bible, in the book of Matthew, we read about a merchant looking for beautiful pearls, but he found just one single pearl of such value that he sold everything he had just to have it. We believe that there is treasure far greater than we can see here on earth. To find out more, please speak to a member of the team.

Get in touch:
If you have any questions/feedback or prayer requests, please email the toddler team at Woodlands Church.

Camping Weekend for 11am

The 11am congregation is excited to go camping together this spring! We’re heading to Far Peak Campsite in the heart of the beautiful Cotswolds, near Northleach, Gloucestershire from Friday, 13th May to Sunday, 15th May and would love you to join us!

It will be an opportunity to build a sense of family and community together as a congregation. It is an hour away from Bristol and we will have plenty of time to chill out, go on a walk in the beautiful area, play games and have a shared BBQ on the Saturday night amongst other activities! 

To take part – simply visit and check out the onsite facilities. 

Book your pitch online. Simply add the group name ‘Woodlands Church Group’ into the comments box (which is just after where you enter your name and address).

If you have any questions or queries, email

Can’t wait to see you there!

Refresh Group for Mums and Under 1's

On Thursday mornings at 10am in The Crypt, we offer new mums and babies under one year old the chance to meet up, share a cuppa, refresh and pray with one another.

Please note, this group is specifically aimed at supporting the well-being of new mums and their babies, so if you have young children of different ages, check out our Tiny Treasures Toddlers group that meets on Wednesday mornings.

Get in touch:
If you would like to come along or have any questions/comments or prayer requests, please email Ruth Morgans, the Families Minister at Woodlands Church.

Holiday Club in August

Woodlands Church is running a Holiday Club full of Fantastic Feats!

Tuesday, 24th August - Thursday, 26th August 2021 from 9:30am - 12.00pm daily.

Come and join the Circus for three days of Storytelling, Worship, Teaching, Crafts, Games and Silliness.  It is going to be fantastic!

Featuring: Acts of Faith, Hope and Courage, Crafts, Worship and impossible challenges from the Ringmaster himself!

For children in reception to year 6.

We're really excited to be able to offer this opportunity for children to connect with God and each other again and are praying they have a great time.

Spaces are limited, so be sure to book your kids in soon!

Woodies Kids | Saying Sorry

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are thinking about…

saying sorry

Today we are thinking about saying sorry and being forgiven.

Even though it’s not always easy, when we do something wrong it’s important to

say sorry, and Jesus will always forgive us! In the Cheeky Panda treehouse, Benji is

enjoying his favourite pizza and leaves one slice in a labelled box in the fridge to enjoy later. CJ finds the slice and eats it, and learns that it's important to say sorry, just as the woman said sorry to Jesus in the bible.

When was the last time you said 'sorry'? Saying ‘sorry’ can often be one of the hardest things to say. In today's, Elle reflects on when she’s upset someone or has disappointed God, she feels like she has let people down. Elle notes pride as something that gets in the way of her saying sorry to other people, or to God. We need to say sorry when we’re in the wrong – breakthrough and freedom comes, when we say sorry.

I wonder why we find it so hard to say sorry? Vote on the top reason:

1) I don’t like being wrong

2) I am scared I might get punished

3) I feel guilty if I own up

4) It is easier to say “It wasn’t me”

5) No one really knows that I did it anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Choose five friends you could pray for this week. Draw around your hand and write their names in each finger! Is there anyone you need to say sorry to?

Chat and Catch: Tell God what upsets or disappoints you. Ask God to help you to say sorry when you need to.

Woodies Kids | Giving Thanks

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are thinking about…

Giving Thanks

In the Cheeky Panda treehouse the pandas are trying to think of a gift to get CJ for her birthday. They order pink ice skates, but pink iced cakes arrive and are all broken.

They are really sad that they messed up her birthday, but CJ reminds them that it's their friendship she is most thankful for! They learn that there is always something to be thankful for, because every good gift comes from God.

The Birthday Gift I wonder how you might have felt if your

birthday gift had arrived all broken? How might you feel if the gift you had given to

someone arrived all broken? What did you think about CJ’s response to her friends?

I wonder how you might have felt if your birthday gift had arrived all broken? How might you feel if the gift you had given to someone arrived all broken? What did you think about CJ’s response to her friends?

Woodies Kids | Praising God

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are thinking about…

praising god

Even on bad days, it does us good to praise God because it reminds us of how good he is, and how much he loves us. In the Cheeky Panda treehouse the pandas have been nominated for an award but don't win it. They learn that praise is important in every situation, because it shows God how much we love him. Just as Paul and Silas praised God when they were locked in prison, we should praise God because he is good every day!

Let’s make!

Find a small, empty plastic bottle with a screw top. Half fill it with either dried beans, rice or lentils. Seal the top, tightly. Make sure it makes a great sound when you shake it. Decorate your shaker with stickers, glitter, paper shapes etc!

Woodies Kids | How much do we mean to Jesus

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are thinking about…


How much do we mean to Jesus?

We are all like the sheep that wander away from the Shepherd, but Jesus always

comes to find us because he made each one of us and loves us. In the Cheeky Panda

treehouse Milo loses his custom-made guitar pick that is very special to him. They learn

that when God made each one of us, He only made one of us in the whole world, and He

loves us more than we could ever imagine!

Print out the image of the sheep below, cover it with cotton wool balls or Cheerios and mark the eyes and legs out in black. Play a game of hide and seek with the sheep!

Our Tiny Treasures Team are telling us all about their favourite bible stories over the next few weeks

Woodies Kids | Your favourite story

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are thinking about…


our favourite bible stories

Do you have a favourite bible story?

Why do you like that story? Is it the character you like or how God used that person?

Why not ask your family which bible stories they like and why they like them. Ask God if He wants to show you anything in those stories! You can use our chat and catch ideas below :)

Woodies Kids | Pentecost -The Holy Spirit (week 4)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are learning about…


Today is Pentecost, the birthday of the church!!!

Do you remember when we spoke about when the disciples received the Holy Spirit and began talking in different languages?! The Holy Spirit spoke through them to enable them to speak to people of other nationalities about the wonderful love of Jesus.

3,000 people said YES to Jesus that day and were baptised. The disciples then travelled to different countries to share the good news of Jesus and this is how the church began to grow and spread across the world!

Woodies Kids | The Holy Spirit (week 2)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are learning about…

the Holy Spirit

We are thinking about how the Holy Spirit can guide us. In John 16:13 it says,

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.

We watched this clip from the film Moana

Moana’s grandma helped to guide her to know what was true. She helped Moana to remember who she really is and to find her way. Just as Moana’s grandma guided her, the Holy Spirit guides us to find out the truth of who God says we are.

Do the children have someone in their life who helps them when they are struggling? This is what the Holy Spirit does for us also.  The Holy Spirit helps us to know what is right and what is wrong.

Chat and Catch –  Focus around asking the Holy Spirit to show the children the truth of who God sees them to be.

Tell God about a person in your life who helps you when you are struggling. What are they like? How do they help you?

Thank God that he sent his Holy Spirit to help us and guide us

Ask the Holy Spirit to show/tell you 2 truths about who you are  

Woodies Kids | The Holy Spirit (week 1)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week are learning about…

the Holy Spirit

The Bible tells us in Galations 5:22-23 that we can stay connected to Jesus and walk with the Spirit as our helper then we will produce good fruit in our lives.

We watched this clip from the film Ratatouille

Linguini wasn’t very good at cooking to start with but Remy showed him how – step by step. We’re not very good at following Jesus to start with, but the Holy Spirit lives in our heart and shows us how to do it – step by step. Mostly, we get a feeling inside about whether we should do something or not do something – that’s the Holy Spirit working and helping us.

Later on in the film, Linguini tries to cook without Remy and makes a big mess of it. If we try to live without the Holy Spirit, we’ll get in a big mess too! The Holy Spirit is our friend for life – if we let him, He’ll live inside our hearts and help us to follow Jesus better and better every single day.

Woodies Kids | Knowing Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week we Think About…


Knowing JEsus and the Holy Spirit

Lie down comfortably with eyes closed and use your mind to imagine the story.

Read the following fairly slowly allowing time for the children to respond.

“Imagine that you have been with Jesus as one of his disciples. Imagine that you have seen him die on the cross and now you are scared and going to hide out in another town. You are walking along the road - it feels like a long way! How are you feeling inside?

​Imagine that suddenly a stranger comes alongside you and starts asking why you look so sad. What do you tell him?

Now imagine that the stranger starts to explain all sorts of things about Jesus to you. What he’s saying makes lots of sense and your heart feels all funny inside

of you. Imagine that you get to the place where you’re staying and you invite the man in to have some tea with you. Before the meal, the man says thank you to God for the food and suddenly you know that it’s Jesus! How do you know? What does he look like? How does your heart feel now?

Jesus disappears. What do you do? How do you feel inside?”

Give the children some time to think about this and maybe write, draw or talk about what they experience.

Woodies Kids | Lent and the journey towards Easter (week 4)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week we Think About …


Lent and the Journey towards easter

Junior Explorers (year 4-6) have been working through Pilgrim Pathways and thinking about what items we might need if we were going on a journey and how these would play out in our lives as followers of Jesus.

Bright Lights (Year 1-3) have been looking at the story of Benjamin’s box in the run up to Easter. We have been thinking about what things are special to us and how God’s wants to talk to us through them.

Woodies Kids | Lent and the journey towards Easter

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week we Think About …


Lent and the Journey towards easter

Junior Explorers (year 4-6) have been working through Pilgrim Pathways and thinking about what items we might need if we were going on a journey and how these would play out in our lives as followers of Jesus.

Bright Lights (Year 1-3) have been looking at the story of Benjamin’s box in the run up to Easter. We have been thinking about what things are special to us and how God’s wants to talk to us through them.

In Tiny Treasures we have been thinking about what it means to love God with our heart, mind and strength.

Woodies Kids | Jesus walks on water and Lent

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week we Think About when…


jesus walks on water

You can read about it in

Ask the children what they thought about the story.

· Is it really possible to walk on water?

· How did Jesus manage to walk on the water?

· Explain that this is called a miracle. What are the other two miracles in this story? [Peter walking on water and the storm stopping].

· Ask the children why did Peter sink?

· What did Jesus say about it?

Explain that Peter could walk on the water when he was looking at Jesus and not at the scary things around him. Ask the children if there are ever scary things around them? What could they do in these circumstances? Can they trust Jesus to keep them safe?

Explain how important it is that we fix our eyes on Jesus. We keep our eyes fixed on Jesus by remembering how powerful He is, then we can trust Him to look after us.


In Junior Explorers (Year 4-6) we have been working through Pilgrim Pathways, thinking about what things we might need on a journey and how those things can be reflected in our journey with Jesus.

This week we had a special guest who had made the massive journey from Egypt to Nazareth on foot!!! We heard about how Dan relied on God and about his journey.