Join us this winter for all our festive events!
18th December
Join us this winter for all our festive events!
18th December
Advent Cookbook Week 4
You will find all you need to know below.
Share photos of your creations on instagram with the #WoodiesAdventCookbook
Follow along with us below
Join us this winter for all our festive events!
12th December
Join us this winter for all our festive events!
12th December
In support of the Woodlands Church Family Prayer Week throughout January we will be looking at Prayer.
Messages in this series will cover:
8th January
Prayer and Trouble
15th January
Prayer and Blessing
22nd January
Prayer and Revelation
29th January
Prayer and Worship
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Advent Cookbook Week 3
You will find all you need to know below.
Share photos of your creations on instagram with the #WoodiesAdventCookbook
Follow along with us below
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
4th December
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Advent Cookbook Week 2
You will find all you need to know below.
Share photos of your creations on instagram with the #WoodiesAdventCookbook
Follow along with us below
Prayer Week 2023
To kick off the new year well, Woodlands Church Family invites you to a week of prayer starting on Sunday January 15th running through to the Sunday January 22nd. Our vision is to come together spiritually in prayer and fasting, bringing to God our hopes for the city, for the world and for His Church.
Here are all the ways you can join with us in prayer.
Click here to book a slot in the prayer rooms. You are welcome to book a space individually or for a group.
Join us each morning in the Woodlands Foyer from 7.15am - 8.15am, Monday 16th - Friday 20th, for a prayer meeting.
Click here to download and print our prayer resource. These are also available from the foyer at Woodlands Central.
Information and guidance on fasting can be found here.
Join us for an evening of Prayer and Worship on the 17th of January starting at 7.45pm. More event details can be found here.
Follow our Facebook Page for daily prayer posts throughout the week.
Pray with us throughout the month with our monthly prayer calendar which can be downloaded here.
All these event are open to the whole Woodlands Family of Churches.
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
27th November
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
27th November
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Advent Cookbook Week 1
You will find all you need to know below.
Share photos of your creations on instagram with the #WoodiesAdventCookbook
Follow along with us below
The Family Christmas Cookbook
Cook Together. Question together. And discover together some of the key themes and truths in the Christmas story - all while enjoying some delicious treats!
This Advent our kids and families team have put together this resource for all the family to enjoy. Starting Sunday the 27th of November, follow along each week with a recipe and some questions to get the conversation about Advent going.
Follow along with us below
This Sunday is Woodlands Bible School during our 6.30pm service. We are joined by Jack Johnson from WTC. All are welcome.
21st November 2022
Listen to the session below:
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
20th November
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
20th November
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
13th November
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
13th November
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Christmas service dates are here
The Christmas festivities begin in only one month, and we can already hear the sound of Dave's banjo, as he sings our folky Christmas favourites! Below you will find a list of all our Christmas service dates, be sure to put them in your calendar and maybe even invite a friend!
More information on these services to come!
Join the Christmas team
We love to welcome church family and guests along to our Christmas services happening throughout December. We need helpers to ensure these services run smoothly, so if you could set out chairs, welcome people, chat to newcomers or serve hot drinks, we'd really appreciate your help. Just fill in this online form to sign up and we’ll be in touch via email soon with more info.
Challenged: Why is following Jesus so hard?
6th November
If you would like to follow along with this series as a small group, you can download a study guide here.
Woodlands Church, Belgrave Road, Bristol BS8 2AA