Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…
26 September 2021 - 7pm Service
First Things First Series
This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Nigel is looking at what it means to seek first the Kingdom.
You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.
Read Matthew 6:25-34
Jesus teaching was all about the Kingdom of God. He told his disciples to ‘seek first the Kingdom of God’ as their priority. His language and ministry simply a conflict between the ‘kingdom of God’ and the human kingdoms and powers of this world, and the prayer he taught us to pray includes
‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’
In a world with plenty to worry about, what does it mean to ‘seek first the kingdom’?
What is your definition of ‘the kingdom of God’?
What is the difference/link between Kingdom and Church?
How did Jesus describe the coming of the Kingdom of God? (e.g. Matthew 13, 18 etc)
What does the Kingdom look like in our experience?
In what ways can we see more of the Kingdom? What does it look like in our 21st Century generation?