
First Things First: Seeking Kingdom | Nigel Savage at 7pm | 26 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

26 September 2021 - 7pm Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Nigel is looking at what it means to seek first the Kingdom.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Matthew 6:25-34

Jesus teaching was all about the Kingdom of God. He told his disciples to ‘seek first the Kingdom of God’ as their priority. His language and ministry simply a conflict between the ‘kingdom of God’ and the human kingdoms and powers of this world, and the prayer he taught us to pray includes

‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’

  • In a world with plenty to worry about, what does it mean to ‘seek first the kingdom’?

  • What is your definition of ‘the kingdom of God’?

  • What is the difference/link between Kingdom and Church?

  • How did Jesus describe the coming of the Kingdom of God? (e.g. Matthew 13, 18 etc)

  • What does the Kingdom look like in our experience?

  • In what ways can we see more of the Kingdom? What does it look like in our 21st Century generation?

First Things First: Seeking Kingdom | Clare Thompson at 11am | 26 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

26 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Clare is looking at what it means to really seek first the Kingdom of God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Matthew 6:25-34

Jesus teaching was all about the Kingdom of God. He told his disciples to ‘seek first the Kingdom of God’ as their priority. His language and ministry simply a conflict between the ‘kingdom of God’ and the human kingdoms and powers of this world, and the prayer he taught us to pray includes

‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’

  • In a world with plenty to worry about, what does it mean to ‘seek first the kingdom’?

  • What is your definition of ‘the kingdom of God’?

  • What is the difference/link between Kingdom and Church?

  • How did Jesus describe the coming of the Kingdom of God? (e.g. Matthew 13, 18 etc)

  • What does the Kingdom look like in our experience?

  • In what ways can we see more of the Kingdom? What does it look like in our 21st Century generation?

First Things First: Building Community | Rob Scott-Cook at 7pm | 19 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

19 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Rob is looking at what we believe community means at Woodlands and what it looks like to join in and belong.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read 1 Corinthians 3, Matthew 16:18, Acts 2:42-47 and John 15:12-13.

  • ‘You are God’s building, God’s field’ - 1 Corinthians 3:9.

  • ‘I Will build my church and the gates of Hades will not stand against it’ - Matthew 16:18

  • ‘Every human being has an irreducible need to be noticed and loved’ - Brene Brown

There are so many verses about community in the Bible! Israel is God’s community; community solidarity is a foundational world view. The twelve disciples Jesus calls reflect a new Israel, renewed community. Jesus clear priority was to build community. We often read the Bible individualistically when in fact community is being addressed. The hallmarks of following Jesus and his commands demand community expression; Baptism is initiation into new community as well as a personal expression of discipleship. Communion is the central rite of the Church, a gathering and sharing of a meal, with Jesus in the midst by His Spirit.

  •  Why is being in community vital to being a Christian and following Jesus?

  •  What are the attributes of a community that make it ‘Church’, a community of the

Kingdom of God? What distinguishes Church from any other human organisation? What were the hallmarks of the community that Jesus gathered and had in mind for the future?

  • 21st Century Western society celebrates individualism. How does this affect our view of Church?

  • Being noticed and loved, having a part to play in community is key to the experience of community. How can growing communities retain those values? How big can community be?

  • How does Woodies express community? What’s expected of me in the community of the Church? What does it look like to belong?

First Things First: Building Community | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 19 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

19 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Dave is looking at what we believe community means at Woodlands and what it looks like to join in and belong.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read 1 Corinthians 3, Matthew 16:18, Acts 2:42-47 and John 15:12-13.

  • ‘You are God’s building, God’s field’ - 1 Corinthians 3:9.

  • ‘I Will build my church and the gates of Hades will not stand against it’ - Matthew 16:18

  • ‘Every human being has an irreducible need to be noticed and loved’ - Brene Brown

There are so many verses about community in the Bible! Israel is God’s community; community solidarity is a foundational world view. The twelve disciples Jesus calls reflect a new Israel, renewed community. Jesus clear priority was to build community. We often read the Bible individualistically when in fact community is being addressed. The hallmarks of following Jesus and his commands demand community expression; Baptism is initiation into new community as well as a personal expression of discipleship. Communion is the central rite of the Church, a gathering and sharing of a meal, with Jesus in the midst by His Spirit.

  •  Why is being in community vital to being a Christian and following Jesus?

  •  What are the attributes of a community that make it ‘Church’, a community of the

Kingdom of God? What distinguishes Church from any other human organisation? What were the hallmarks of the community that Jesus gathered and had in mind for the future?

  • 21st Century Western society celebrates individualism. How does this affect our view of Church?

  • Being noticed and loved, having a part to play in community is key to the experience of community. How can growing communities retain those values? How big can community be?

  • How does Woodies express community? What’s expected of me in the community of the Church? What does it look like to belong?

First Things First: Making Disciples | Dave Mitchell at 7pm | 12 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

12 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Dave is looking at what it means to make disciples and spread the love of God to those around us.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Matthew 28:18-20

Famous last words reveal what is the heart priority for the speaker. Matthew records Jesus last words to his closest friends as a command to ‘make disciples’. In other words, a true disciple is a disciple making disciple!

  1. What is your definition of a disciple?

  2. In what ways do you express your discipleship as a follower of Jesus?

  3. Has anyone consciously ‘discipled’ you do you think? Who was it and how did they go about it?

  4. How much do you think growing in discipleship is about being in a context where you are stretched challenged and supported, or being in a relationship where you are stretched challenged and supported? What do those things look like in your life?

  5. How did Jesus disciple people and what can we learn from Him about discipling others?

  6. In what ways if any can being part of a small group help your discipleship and that of its members?

  7. What is your experience of spiritual disciplines? Can you describe any that you use?

First Things First: Making Disciples | Rachel Riddall at 11am | 12 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

12 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Rachel is looking at what it means to make disciples and spread the love of God to those around us.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Matthew 28:18-20

Famous last words reveal what is the heart priority for the speaker. Matthew records Jesus last words to his closest friends as a command to ‘make disciples’. In other words, a true disciple is a disciple making disciple!

  1. What is your definition of a disciple?

  2. In what ways do you express your discipleship as a follower of Jesus?

  3. Has anyone consciously ‘discipled’ you do you think? Who was it and how did they go about it?

  4. How much do you think growing in discipleship is about being in a context where you are stretched challenged and supported, or being in a relationship where you are stretched challenged and supported? What do those things look like in your life?

  5. How did Jesus disciple people and what can we learn from Him about discipling others?

  6. In what ways if any can being part of a small group help your discipleship and that of its members?

  7. What is your experience of spiritual disciplines? Can you describe any that you use?

First Things First: Loving God | Tim Dobson at 7pm | 5 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

5 September 2021 - 7pm Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Tim is looking at what it means to really love God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read: Matthew 22:34-40 and Deuteronomy 6:1-7

Our preaching series was originally called ‘Big Rocks’ after the well-known visual aid about prioritising things. If you have some sand, pebbles and big stones to fit into a limited container, you need to get the big rocks in for everything to fit. (Why not try it out as an experiment?). What are the big rocks, the key priorities in our lives?

Jesus was asked that question, ‘What is the greatest commandment?’. He responded by quoting from Deuteronomy 6 , the Shema that Jewish people would recite every day. ‘Love God’ is an imperative not a noun!

  1. What does it tell us about Christianity that the greatest command is to love God, not to obey God? What does that tell us about God’s priorities?

  2. How do you love God who you haven’t seen? How do you know that you do? (John 14:23)

  3. How do we express love to God collectively as a Church as well as individually? How do those two dynamics affect one another? What does it mean to love God concretely, with our whole being, not just abstractly- as a lovely thought?

  4. If love is something we can to some degree choose to do, with an element of ‘will’ as well as ‘emotion’ how do we cultivate love for God in our lives?

  5. What are God’s ‘love languages’ do you think?

While God’s love for us is describes as never failing our own Love for God can be more unstable? What do you think the role of the Holy Spirit is in helping us love God with our whole being?

First Things First: Loving God | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 5 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

5 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Dave is looking at what it means to really love God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read: Matthew 22:34-40 and Deuteronomy 6:1-7

Our preaching series was originally called ‘Big Rocks’ after the well-known visual aid about prioritising things. If you have some sand, pebbles and big stones to fit into a limited container, you need to get the big rocks in for everything to fit. (Why not try it out as an experiment?). What are the big rocks, the key priorities in our lives?

Jesus was asked that question, ‘What is the greatest commandment?’. He responded by quoting from Deuteronomy 6 , the Shema that Jewish people would recite every day. ‘Love God’ is an imperative not a noun!

  1. What does it tell us about Christianity that the greatest command is to love God, not to obey God? What does that tell us about God’s priorities?

  2. How do you love God who you haven’t seen? How do you know that you do? (John 14:23)

  3. How do we express love to God collectively as a Church as well as individually? How do those two dynamics affect one another? What does it mean to love God concretely, with our whole being, not just abstractly- as a lovely thought?

  4. If love is something we can to some degree choose to do, with an element of ‘will’ as well as ‘emotion’ how do we cultivate love for God in our lives?

  5. What are God’s ‘love languages’ do you think?

While God’s love for us is describes as never failing our own Love for God can be more unstable? What do you think the role of the Holy Spirit is in helping us love God with our whole being?