How can we all be people after God’s own heart?

In the Bible, King David is called ‘a man after God’s own heart’. This July, we will be looking at how David’s heart is revealed as much in the Psalms as in the amazing narratives of his life in 1 & 2 Samuel.
The sermon series aims to invite us to examine our own hearts and ask how we can cultivate and guard a heart of worship. What does it mean to fight battles as followers of Jesus? How does our heart for God affect our relationships with others? How do we keep a soft contrite and repentant heart when we inevitably mess up? How do the Psalms add a dimension to our prayers around these things?
This series will look at an aspect of David’s heart each week, including both some narrative scriptures and a Psalm linked with each unique attribute.
Here’s what our preaching topics during this series are:
Worship | 4th July 2021
Courage | 11th July 2021
Friendship | 18th July 2021
Repentance | 25th July 2021
We hope you can join us in person or online throughout July for this exciting series.
Remember you can book in advance to attend church in person. Capacity will be limited and COVID safe precautions will be taken. We’re also serving hot drinks before each service. Simply book online here: