Holy Spirit Series

How can we thrive by living in partnership with the Holy Spirit?

In our journey towards Pentecost this May, our Holy Spirit series will look at key symbols used in the Bible to help us understand how to encounter and live life with the Spirit of God.

We tend to think of the Spirit as a ‘force’ or an ‘energy’ - rather than a person to have fellowship with. However, it’s important to remember that the Holy Spirit is in the Godhead, which means ‘he’ is personal as well as powerful.

In this series, we’ll be unpacking scripture’s use of symbols describing the Holy Spirit as we try to better understand what it means to be a new creation and anointed with spiritual gifts. What is it that makes us well up from a deep place or speak in tongues? How do we deal with the mystical and transrational? How does God guide through the Spirit?

Here’s what our preaching topics during this series are:

  • Dove: New Life of the Spirit | 2nd May 2021

  • Oil: Gifts of the Spirit | 9th May 2021

  • Water: Dwelling of the Spirit | 16th May 2021

  • Fire: Passion of the Spirit | 23rd May 2021 (Pentecost)

  • Wind: Mystery of the Spirit | 30th May 2021

We hope you can join us in person or online throughout May for this exciting series.

Remember you can book in advance to attend church in person. Capacity will be limited and COVID safe precautions will be taken. We’re also serving hot drinks outside before each service (weather dependant). Simply book online here: