How can we be ‘People of the Way’?

This month, we’re starting a new preaching series called Journeys: People of The Way.
The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?
We'll be examining a variety of scripture during this series. For instance, the Exodus story provides a strong central Biblical idea - but Jesus was also on a journey - to Jerusalem and the Cross – and sent his disciples on a journey to the ends of the earth. Paul’s life exemplifies this.
Our preaching topics during this series are:
We Can't Stay Here - 6 Sept
The Way In is The Way On - 13 Sept
The Wilderness Way - 20 Sept
Walk in the Spirit - 27 Sept
Destination Heaven - 4 Oct