
Living Inside Out

In June, we’re starting a new preaching series called ‘Living Inside Out’.

Lockdown has been hard. It’s shaken people’s identities and their confidence in God’s fathering of them. God wants us to live out of our identity on the inside - like Jesus at his baptism. 

Who we are and who we are becoming are the important truths about us. Everything else is temporary. What are the opportunities to ‘become’ now?

During lockdown we’ve become obsessed with hygiene and cleanliness. Actually it’s a time where temptation to inner impurity in our thought life can make us ‘unclean’.

 And we may not have much hope for the future, or we might base our hope on externals-‘when they find a vaccine’. We are called to be hope bearers even when what we hope for is unseen.

Our sermons in this series will look at these topics…

  • Identity - 7 June

  • Becoming - 14 June

  • Clean - 21 June

  • Hopeful - 28 June