Coronavirus Response

This page was updated on 18 March 2020 and will be kept up-to-date with the latest advice and actions we are taking.

This page was updated on 18 March 2020 and will be kept up-to-date with the latest advice and actions we are taking.

At Woodlands Group of Churches, we are taking steps to ensure we respond to the advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) that we receive from Public Health England and other Churches.

Face-to-Face Church Gatherings Suspended

Government advice and direct medical directives to faith communities has been Keep Calm and don't carry on! The need to avoid transmission of the virus by all means possible to allow the Health Service to prepare for and cope with this unfolding epidemic, means the most loving thing we can do for our wider community is to take unprecedented steps to reduce spread of infection now.

On 17 March, leaders of the Woodlands Group of Churches met (a metre or two apart from one another) to pray about and plan our response now that we are not able to gather together in person for the time being. Our team of staff and volunteers are all now working from home as well.

We think we have some opportunities for creative and exciting ways to express our love for God, for one another and the world at this time…watch this short video message from pastor Dave Mitchell.

Our Action Plan

Live Streaming of a Weekly Church Service
We will express our worship on Sunday by live streaming behind closed doors. We were really encouraged that on 15 March, our first ever live stream service attracted 3,000 views. We will be working to get the best possible production quality for future services. We will be posting a link on our homepage and also using Facebook Live.

Opening a 24/7 Prayer Room
We plan to open a 24-7 prayer room at Woodlands to keep a worship space open and to facilitate constant prayer for our nation and wider world (details to follow).

Encouraging People to Volunteer
We want to mobilise volunteers in Church to serve our City and the most vulnerable. In the first instance, visit The Noise website to help out and volunteer at a food bank to make sure no one is short of food at this time. Many of our food banks in the city are staffed by teams of older people, who are now unable to volunteer.

Helping You to Love Your Neighbours
We’ve made printable CoronaKindness Cards that you can download, print, personalise and give to your neighbours. This is a great way to reach out in a practical way to show God’s love and kindness to the people around you. Share what you are doing online with the hashtag #coronakindness to be part of a global trend.

Finding Alternatives for Midweek Groups 
Midweek groups have been advised not to meet and each group will have to work out how best to support one another according to risk, technical resources, etc. We shared practical tips with all our small group leaders already, so they can support their members.

Providing Inspirational Content Online
Woodlands team members will be encouraging our church family with online resources including:

  • Study resources for some enforced contemplative time to build up your faith

  • Soul care alongside the practical care we all need

  • Opportunities for prayer requests to be made online

  • Daily devotional videos starting soon!

  • Reminders for everyone to pray at noon, wherever you are, whatever you are doing

Connect with Woodlands on Social Media
We will be posting regular updates on social media and sending more regular emails to church members. Be sure to connect with us to stay up-to-date with what’s happening.

If You Need Help

  • If you feel unwell, please follow the current national guidance.

  • If you, or members of your household fall ill and/or self-isolate please tell your homegroup leader and let us know via email. This is a time where we need to be supporting, loving and encouraging one another.

Future Steps

  • This is an ever changing situation and we will continue to respond to any changes in the advice we receive.

  • This is a time to look out for our neighbours, particularly the vulnerable and elderly, to avoid panic buying and be messengers of faith hope and love.

  • We would love you to pray for our World and nation, we will be interceding for our nation in these extraordinary times.

  • Do pray for our health professionals who will be under enormous pressure right now.

'Every thing that can be shaken will be shaken, but we are receiving a Kingdom that can't be shaken'.

May you know the firm foundation of the love of God in your life at this time.

March for Justice: Freedom for Slaves - Esther Swaffield from IJM (11am Sermon)

15th March 2020 - 11am Service

March for Justice: Freedom for Slaves with Esther Swaffield from IJM

Filling our hearts with mercy & compassion

Our focus for this month's series is March for Justice and we will be looking back at lessons from The Prophets as we consider how we as Christians deal with some of the challenging issues facing the world today. Sermon topics will cover freedom from slavery, creation care, Fair Trade and the persecuted church. 

For this service, we welcomed Esther from International Justice Mission, the largest anti-slavery organisation in the world. They work across the globe, partnering with law enforcement to protect those living in poverty from oppression.

In the last 20 years, IJM have rescued over 53,000 people from slavery and violent oppression and are seeing whole nations change as a result of this transformative work; in some countries seeing up to an 86% reduction of people in slavery. But it’s no mean feat. It takes everyone from investigators who find victims, to aftercare staff who support those who have been rescued, to the local church across the globe who pray, give and advocate for the end of slavery, like Woodies…

Woodies has committed to raise £5,000 for IJM to fund the equivalent cost of a rescue: Right from undercover investigation, to rescue and aftercare, to bringing the criminals to justice.

Find out more and make a one-off donation:

Too Busy...For Church - Brad Askew (9.15am Sermon)

15th March 2020 - 9.15am Service

Too Busy…For Church with Brad Askew
Bible Passage: Matthew 11:28-30

We are taking a month to do our own mini preaching series at the 9.15am. We want to speak into some of the needs, concerns/realities that we have as a congregation. We want to address the topic of being too busy and how do we follow Jesus when we’re in such a busy/full time of life.

This week as Brad looks at 'Too Busy for Church - he reflects on the scriptures in Matthew…

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Recommended Book:
The ruthless elimination of hurry by John Mark Comer (£10.99 with free shipping)

Recommended Podcast:
Fight Hustle, End Hurry Podcast

IJM Talk on Freedom for Slaves on 15 March


We believe that justice and seeing people released from bondage and slavery are key values of the Kingdom of God. Jesus even started his public ministry by announcing that He had come “to set the captive free.” It is exciting that Woodlands Group of Churches is now a partner church working with International Justice Mission (IJM) to do just that!

IJM is the largest anti-slavery organisation in the world. They work across the globe, partnering with law enforcement to protect those living in poverty from oppression. We are looking forward to welcoming guest speaker, Leo Akron, from IJM Ghana to speak to us on Sunday, 15th March 2020 at the 11am service and tell us more about their inspirational and life changing work.

In the last 20 years, IJM have rescued over 53,000 people from slavery and violent oppression and are seeing whole nations change as a result of this transformative work; in some countries seeing up to an 86% reduction of people in slavery. But it’s no mean feat. It takes everyone from investigators who find victims, to aftercare staff who support those who have been rescued, to the local church across the globe who pray, give and advocate for the end of slavery, like Woodies…

Read their latest Fact Sheet to find out how and where IJM are working around the globe to end slavery. For good. You can also watch the video below to learn more about IJM.

Giving To The IJM Rescue Fund

Woodies has committed to raise £5,000 for IJM to fund the equivalent cost of a rescue: Right from undercover investigation, to rescue and aftercare, to bringing the criminals to justice. Although the precise details of this rescue will depend on the situations that the investigators uncover, the largest rescue IJM has conducted to date, was of 564 people in one single operation: a bonded labour case, in South Asia.

The Woodies contribution will be raised primarily by earmarked giving. To take part in this fundraising campaign and support the rescue, visit the secure giving page below to make a one-off donation:

Thank you for your financial and prayer support which will have a tangible effect on bringing freedom to people's lives. You can join the IJM in praying for justice, simply send them an email to join the network.

Until All Are Free.

March for Justice: Prophetic Witness - Rob Scott-Cook (7pm Sermon)

8th March 2020 - 7pm Service

March for Justice: Prophetic Witness with Rob Scott-Cook

Filling our hearts with mercy & compassion

Our focus for this month's series is March for Justice and we will be looking back at lessons from The Prophets as we consider how we as Christians deal with some of the challenging issues facing the world today. Sermon topics will cover freedom from slavery, creation care, Fair Trade and the persecuted church - plus a Heart of Worship special on the last Sunday in March. 

Too Busy...For Jesus - Ruth Morgans (9.15am Sermon)

8th March 2020 - 9.15am Service

Too Busy…For Jesus? with Ruth Morgans

We are taking a month to do our own mini preaching series at the 9.15am. We want to speak into some of the needs, concerns/realities that we have as a congregation. We want to address the topic of being too busy and how do we follow Jesus when we’re in such a busy/full time of life.

Recommended Book:
The ruthless elimination of hurry by John Mark Comer (£10.99 with free shipping)

Recommended Podcast:
Fight Hustle, End Hurry Podcast

March for Justice: A Fair Trade? - Clare Thompson (11am Sermon)

8th March 2020 - 11am Service

March for Justice: A Fair Trade? with Clare Thompson
Bible Passage: Amos 8

Filling our hearts with mercy & compassion

Our focus for this month's series is March for Justice and we will be looking back at lessons from The Prophets as we consider how we as Christians deal with some of the challenging issues facing the world today. Sermon topics will cover freedom from slavery, creation care, fair trade and the persecuted church - plus a Heart of Worship special on the last Sunday in March. 

March for Justice: A Fair Trade? - Clare Thompson (11am Sermon)

8th March 2020 - 11am Service

March for Justice: A Fair Trade? with Clare Thompson
Bible Passage: Amos 8

Filling our hearts with mercy & compassion

Our focus for this month's series is March for Justice and we will be looking back at lessons from The Prophets as we consider how we as Christians deal with some of the challenging issues facing the world today. Sermon topics will cover freedom from slavery, creation care, Fair Trade and the persecuted church - plus a Heart of Worship special on the last Sunday in March. 

EcoChallenge for March: Eat less meat (& dairy too)

At Woodies, we are keen love God's creation and our People + Planet group is key in helping us to reduce our impact on the environment as a church. Throughout 2020, we want to challenge everyone in church to do the same - so each month we’ll be having an EcoChallenge.

March 2020: EcoChallege
Eat less meat (& dairy too)

This month’s EcoChallenge is to try out a new Meat/Dairy Free recipe. You’ve probably noticed that eating vegan or plant based foods and diets are having a bit of a moment now.  This isn’t a fad - there are a lot of good reasons for this!

  • Eating Less meat and dairy is good for the planet
    It needs much less land to grow crops to feed humans, than to grow crops to feed to animals which are then fed to humans. This means through reducing our meat consumption we could more easily meet the demands of feeding a growing global population and also allow more space for nature too.  Moreover, cows and sheep belch out lots of methane, a particularly potent greenhouse gas. Emissions from livestock account for 14-18% of global man-made greenhouse emissions. Significantly reducing the amount of animal foods we consume has a key role to play in limiting the damage of climate change. 

  • It’s good for you
    Typical western diets high in red-meat, processed meat and other animal products are not very good for us. Meat also takes up space in our diets where we could get wider nutritional benefit from eating other sources of protein such as beans, pulses or nuts.

  • It’s good for animals
    Modern industrial farming methods have developed to meet our demand for meat and dairy, and it is extremely debateable whether animals are generally treated in a humane way. Some would argue that an unnacceptable degree of suffering is inherent when we farm animals for food.

Easy Ways to Change Your Diet

Now we hear from David from the Woodies People + Planet group, who has some great advice for us….

Reducing the amount of meat that I eat is something I have been working on for some years now. I haven’t gone vegetarian, much less vegan, although I have friends and family members who have and I often wonder whether I should too.  I do however think quite hard though about how to limit the amount of meat and dairy I eat.

Here are some of the steps I’ve taken:

  • I’ve started buying oat milk or some other non-dairy milk for my breakfast cereal.

  • Not adding milk to the copious amounts of coffee I drink while at work.

  • On weekdays, my general rule to myself is that lunch must be vegetarian, preferably dairy free to. The staff at the sandwich shop by my office are starting to recognise me and my requests for a houmous and salad baguette. Soup is always an easy option too!

  • Finding some really good meat free recipes to cook in the evenings at home. This week I have really enjoyed making and eating a shepherd’s pie, but with braised green lentils instead of mince. It was very tasty, and fed us as a family for a couple of days in a row. The children ate it too!

  • Sometimes we go to cook a meat/dairy based dish by default, but there are a lot of very tasty, easy to cook vegetable based meals out there waiting to be tried.

So have a shot at this month’s EcoChallenge and find a new veg based recipe. Personally, my goal is to find some good use for the Tofu now sitting in my fridge - I am thinking a noodle soup could be a good use for it. I will let you know how it goes!

If you want some inspiration this North African Squash Stew is one of my favourites – it’s very tasty comfort food.

Get involved with Woodlands People + Planet group 

If you’d be interested in finding out more about our group, or have some feedback about the challenges, connect with us:

PG Workshop for Parents on 20 March

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The internet has changed the landscape of childhood and adolescence.

As parents we may be aware of the new challenges and changes the internet has brought yet be uncertain how to practically respond. Some parents even feel overwhelmed, saying that their children have a better understanding of internet, tablets and apps than they do.

The PG workshop exists to address concerns, equip you with up to date information about online & digital culture, and give practical tips for different ages and stages. You'll also gain exclusive access to our online 'Parent's pack' containing useful links, step by step tutorials and conversation starters.

Find out more about the workshop here

(Purchase of this ticket will unlock a 20% discount code for ‘The P-Word conference’ the following day. Find out more here)

March for Justice: Creation Care - Tim Dobson (7pm Sermon)

1st March 2020 - 7pm Service

March for Justice: Creation Care with Tim Dobson
Bible Passage: Genesis & more…

Filling our hearts with mercy & compassion

Our focus for this month's series is March for Justice and we will be looking back at lessons from The Prophets as we consider how we as Christians deal with some of the challenging issues facing the world today. Sermon topics will cover freedom from slavery, creation care, Fair Trade and the persecuted church - plus a Heart of Worship special on the last Sunday in March. 

March for Justice: Creation Care - Rachel Riddall (11am Sermon)

1st March 2020 - 11am Service

March for Justice: Creation Care with Rachel Riddall
Bible Passage:

Filling our hearts with mercy & compassion

Our focus for this month's series is March for Justice and we will be looking back at lessons from The Prophets as we consider how we as Christians deal with some of the challenging issues facing the world today. Sermon topics will cover freedom from slavery, creation care, Fair Trade and the persecuted church - plus a Heart of Worship special on the last Sunday in March. 

Too Busy - Nigel Savage (9.15am Sermon)

1st March 2020 - 9.15am Service

Too Busy: For Me with Nigel Savage
Bible Passage: Matthew 11:28-30

We are taking a month to do our own mini preaching series at the 9.15am. We want to speak into some of the needs, concerns/realities that we have as a congregation. We want to address the topic of being too busy and how do we follow Jesus when we’re in such a busy/full time of life.

This week as Nigel looks at 'Too Busy for Me - he reflects on the scriptures in Matthew…

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Recommended Book:
The ruthless elimination of hurry by John Mark Comer (£10.99 with free shipping)

Recommended Podcast:
Fight Hustle, End Hurry Podcast

March for Justice: Creation Care - Rachel Riddall (11am Sermon)


1st March 2020 - 11am Service

March for Justice: Creation Care with Rachel Riddall
Bible Passage:

Filling our hearts with mercy & compassion

Our focus for this month's series is March for Justice and we will be looking back at lessons from The Prophets as we consider how we as Christians deal with some of the challenging issues facing the world today. Sermon topics will cover freedom from slavery, creation care, Fair Trade and the persecuted church - plus a Heart of Worship special on the last Sunday in March. 

Christians in Politics: Influence Tour 2.0 on 28 February


Christians in Politics exists to inspire and equip Christians from across denominations and the political spectrum to respond to God’s call to engage in public life. 

Woodlands is excited to be hosting this special event on Saturday, 28 February from 7.30pm - 10pm.

Christians in Politics encourages people not to simply shout from a distance, but rather to work to build meaningful relationships with those whom we will not necessarily agree with on everything. In our increasingly fractured political system and society, the need has never been greater to call Christians into brave relationships, putting aside differences to work together for the common good and to see Kingdom values represented in the public sphere. 

On the tour, Christians in Politics will be sharing information about their work and vision, stories from those already involved in public life with a wealth of experience of faith and politics and looking again at the biblical call to engage.

You will have the opportunity to take part in a Q&A with our panel and there will also be some time for group discussion, prayer and networking. 

We would love to see as many people as possible be a part of it, so please do share details of the Influence Tour, and how to book as widely as possible with your friends and networks.

Book your free ticket now

Saying Yes to Life: Ruth Valerio from Tearfund visiting on 24 March

TEARFUND copy.jpg

We are delighted to have Dr Ruth Valerio visit us at 6.30pm on Tuesday, 24 March to speak about her latest book, Saying yes to life: the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book 2020.

Ruth is an environmentalist and theologian, social activist and author. She is Tearfund’s Director of Global Advocacy and Influencing. will be speaking across the UK on the challenges in this book. The book is part of #LiveLent 2020, the Church of England’s first ever official green Lent campaign, which will see thousands of people take action to help tackle Climate Change.

She’ll be coming to talk about the story of Saying yes to life for around 40 minutes followed by a 20 minute Q&A session. At the end of the event, there will be time for book signing.

As people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what God has made – to share in the joy and creativity of God in making a difference for good. In the book, Ruth Valerio imaginatively relates the themes of the Creation to matters of environmental, ethical and social concern to explore what it means to be human and, in particular, to be a follower of Jesus during Lent.

This is a world of wounds. It can be all too easy to bury our heads in the sand, focus on our own lives and forget to engage with the issues we’ve touched upon in Saying yes to life. Especially when they require us to make changes, personally and in our churches and broader society.

With voices from other continents threaded throughout, discussion questions, prayers and art, this is a practical, liberating and stirring call to action and contemplation. It is a perfect perfect resource for small-group Lent courses or for priests and ministers to use in preparing Lenten sermons.

In the book we see examples of what churches have begun doing to help care for the environment. What changes could you make or suggest in your local church?

At Tearfund, they talk about Pray, Act, Give – three areas in which we can make changes and see life-giving differences. Come along, and invite your friends and church too.

Additional resources, including a study guide, extra questions, a youth group resource and video content to help you get the most out of Saying Yes to Life and Lent will be available for Lent from SPCK’s website at:

Jesus Close Up

Series - Jesus Close Up - Feb 2020.jpg

During the month of February, our series titled Jesus Close Up looked what the The Gospels say about who Jesus is, as a teacher, Lord, healer and miracle worker. These talks examined how we can live by example and try to become more like Jesus in our day to day lives.

If you missed out on these, watch the talks below - there are also discussion notes for each talk too!

Jesus Close Up: Miracle Worker - Tim Dobson (11am Sermon)

23rd Feb 2020 - 11am Service

Jesus Close Up: Miracle Worker - Tim Dobson
Bible Passage: John

Jesus Close Up: Becoming more like Jesus

During the month of February, our series titled Jesus Close Up will look what the The Gospels say about who Jesus is, as a teacher, Lord, healer and miracle worker. We'll consider how we can live by example and try to become more like Jesus in our day to day lives. 

Download Discussion Notes

Silent Disco Fundraiser for Hands at Work on 7 March

Come and dance the night away - silently! 

Join us for a night of dancing and fun as we raising money for the charity Hands at Work and their amazing work in South Africa. Bring your friends and boogie for a good cause! Over 18s only.

This is a BYO event with all the money raised through ticket sales going directly to the charity.

Learn about the charity Hands at Work:

Book your tickets and bring a friend!

NOTE: Last minute venue change to:

Alberts Place building run by Community Church in Westbury on Trym.

Jesus Close Up: Miracle Worker - Joey Mitchell (7pm Sermon)

23rd Feb 2020 - 7pm Service

Jesus Close Up: Miracle Worker - Joey Mitchell
Bible Passage: John Becoming more like Jesus

During the month of February, our series titled Jesus Close Up will look what the The Gospels say about who Jesus is, as a teacher, Lord, healer and miracle worker. We'll consider how we can live by example and try to become more like Jesus in our day to day lives. 

Download Discussion Notes