Host a Student Sunday Lunch

Every September, thousands of students come to study at university in Bristol. What better way to welcome these lovely Freshers than with free food? We gave away 3,000 hot dogs during Freshers Week and had an amazing time getting to meet lots of new people.

One of the most impactful things we can do as a church family to support students is to help them feel at home. Student lunches are a great opportunity for you and your family/friends to invite a student(s) into your home, provide them with a hot lunch and help them to feel connected with the wider church family.

The feedback and impact from previous years has been phenomenal - we’d love to have another great impact this Autumn. If you are able to invite a student for lunch one Sunday in September or October - sign up below!

Jesus Stories: Lost Sheep & Little Ones | Rachel Riddall | 15th September 2024 at 6.30pm

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

This September, our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Jesus Stories: Lost Sheep & Little Ones | Matt Dobson | 15th September 2024 at 11am

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

This September, our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Vacancy for Assistant Children's Minister

The Woodlands Church Family (WCF) is a vibrant, growing family of churches with six sites located across the city of Bristol and a vision to plant more. As we’ve grown, so too has our team, and we have an exciting opportunity for within our Children’s Team.

The position of Assistant Children’s Minister at Woodlands Central and Children’s and Community Worker at Branch Community Church can be delivered as a 4.5 day a week role, working across both sites. Alternatively, the individual roles could be filled separately at 2.5 days for the Woodlands Central position and 2 days for the Branch position.

Candidates should be highly motivated, enthusiastic, able to take initiative, work well in a team and be passionate to see children grow in their faith.

The Role

The Assistant Children’s Church Minister at Central role will include the following duties, for example:

  • Planning and leading groups working with children aged 0-11.

  • Helping to support a strong team of volunteers, and resource the different Sunday morning groups.

  • Working with the children's team to review and develop processes to ensure the ministry continues to grow.

The Children’s and Community Worker at Branch role will include the following duties, for example:

  • You will be responsible for working with the Branch Leadership team to coordinate and oversee our children’s provision, both on a Sunday and during the week.

When undertaking this role there may be times when you come across confidential information, therefore it is imperative that you are highly discreet and maintain confidentiality.


  • This is a permanent position contracted with the option of:

    • 4.5 days / 33hrs 45mins per week (both roles)

    • 2.5days / 18hours 45mins per week (role at Central)

    • 2 days / 15hours per week (role at Branch)

  • The salary band for this role is £23,550 - £24,500 pro rata, depending on experience.

  • The annual holiday entitlement is 25 days pro rata plus 8 days bank holiday pro rata.

  • The role will be based at Woodlands Church in Clifton and Branch Community Church in Henbury, Bristol. Travel between the two sites will be required.

  • The post is subject to satisfactory references and DBS check.

  • We have a legal responsibility to ensure that all our employees have the legal right to live and work in the UK. Therefore, please only apply if you are eligible to work in the UK as we will have to verify this before you can start work.

  • For full details, please see the Role Summary & Terms.

Occupational Requirement

As a group of churches our vision is to continually reproduce the life of Jesus. We therefore seek to create a culture and environment in our churches where every team member and volunteer is able to encourage and challenge one another and the many people who pass through the doors each day, to pursue that vision. 

As a member of the staff team, you will be joining a faith community that meets to worship and pray together every week and we share prayer and worship moments throughout the day. Around the building, you’ll often come across teams or individuals praying over their work and really speaking the language of faith. 

Therefore, the role has an occupational requirement that the post holder be a follower of Jesus and a worshipping member of either Woodlands Church Family or another local church to ensure protection of our strong Christian ethos and values, and our charitable objective of advancing the Christian faith. We also want to ensure all team members thrive and flourish in this environment.  

How to Apply

Jesus Stories: On This Rock | Dave Mitchell | 8th September 2024 at 6.30pm

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

This September, our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Jesus Stories : On this rock | Dave Mitchell | 8th September 2024 at 11am

jesus Stories

On this Rock

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

This September, our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Jesus Stories: Seeds of Faith | Nigel Savage | 1st September 2024 at 6.30pm

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

This September, our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Jesus Stories: Seeds of Faith | Rachel Riddall | 1st September 2024 at 11am

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

This September, our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Commissioning Sunday

This month, Dave Mitchell will be passing on the baton of leadership of Woodlands Central to Rachel Riddall and Nigel Savage. We'll be marking this on a special Commissioning Sunday on the 8th September at all of our services. We’d love everyone to come along to support and pray for them.

Nigel and Rachel have been part of the Core Leadership Team at Central working closely with Dave Mitchell for many years. Practically speaking, Dave Mitchell has been handing over the operational leadership of the Woodlands Central congregations to Rachel & Nigel and their team over the summer. In addition, his Executive Assistant Abby Harvey has also transitioned over to supporting Nigel and Rachel at Central and we’ve recruited Catherine Penn as Dave’s new Executive Assistant.

Here’s what Dave Mitchell, Senior Lead of the Woodlands Church Family, recently wrote in his email to the church:

”My own role as leader of the Woodlands Church Family means I will still maintain a presence and involvement with Woodlands Central but will be released to have time for congregations on the other seven sites that represent the Woodlands Church Family, as well as for our wider connections in the City.

It might be worth reminding you of exactly who Woodlands Church Family is, and some of the nomenclature involved.

  • Woodlands Central covers the congregations that meet in the Woodlands Christian Centre on Belgrave Road itself. This includes the 8am, 9.15am, 11 am services, the 6.30pm service and monthly Quiet Service also at 6.30pm.

  • Highgrove is our Sea Mills congregation meeting at 10 High Grove with services at 9.30am and 11am.

  • The Community Church meets at the Greenaway Centre on Doncaster Road, Southmead at 10.30am.

  • Branch Community Church meets at Emmanuel Church Satchfield Crescent in Henbury at 4pm.

  • Southside meets at Victoria Park Baptist Church on St John’s Lane at 3pm.

  • Woodlands Metro meets at the Cathedral School (Cresswell Centre) at 11am on Sundays.

  • Hillside will be the name for the congregation meeting in Backwell meeting in Fairfield Primary School at 11 am on 3rd Sundays.

  • From the end of September Woodlands Church Family will be stewarding Chelsea Christian Centre in Easton, name tbc.

Thanks (I think) to everyone who has congratulated me on retirement, but that is still a little way off though I do become eligible for my state pension at the end of September!”

Jesus Stories Series

Jesus Stories Series

Unpacking Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom

Jesus was a master storyteller. Twenty-one centuries on, his stories are still timeless and provocative, but they were also deeply relevant and challenging in the surrounding culture of his day.

Our series Jesus Stories highlights five well known parables told by Jesus to explain the unique dynamics of the kingdom of God. It's teaching that is designed to both reassure us and get under our skin!

The purpose of this series is to explore the teaching of Jesus on what it means to be a disciple and a citizen of His Kingdom. Here’s what we’ll be talking about each week on Sunday…

  • 1st September: Seeds of Faith

  • 8th September: On This Rock

  • 15th September: Lost Sheep & Little Ones

  • 22nd September: Unmerciful Servant

  • 29th September: The Kingdom of God is a Party

Download our discussion notes to go deeper with the topics each week. This also includes recommended reading and videos to watch as well:


Prayer Week 2024

At Woodlands Central, we love to pray and each September we celebrate Prayer Week, where we come before God together and offer him what is on our hearts.

Prayer Week is happening from the 15th - 22nd September 2024. It is a lovely time of fellowship, where we look forward and prepare ourselves spiritually for the coming season. The week consists of daily events and a 24/7 Prayer Room that can be booked by individuals or groups.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Influencers: Ruth | Fatima Sibanda | 4th August 2024 at 6.30pm

This August, we are looking at stories of extraordinary women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage. This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served. 

We were blessed to have Pastor Fatima Sibanda join us a guest speaker, sharing her testimony with us in this service. Fatima and her husband Osian are the Senior Pastors of God’s House International Centre.

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Watch Fatima’s preach:

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Influencers: Ruth | Dave Mitchell | 4th August 2024 at 11am

This August, we are looking at stories of extraordinary women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage. This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served. 

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

All In: Transformed | Dave Mitchell | 28th July 2024 at 6.30pm

This July we’re looking at what it means to be all in for Jesus! Our vision for the Woodlands Church Family is to see our city transformed by the love and power of God. In order to realise this shared mission, each of us needs to feel empowered, equipped and understand the vital part we each play in God’s unfolding plans for our city. This series will unpack our Woodies value of ‘every member a minister’ and the radical call of discipleship from the Bible.

Come on the journey with us either in person or on the weekly livestream.

Influencers Series

Influencers Series


This August, we are looking at stories of women in the Bible who shaped the course of human history by their faith, strength and courage. This series invites us to read their stories and be challenged and inspired into greater devotion towards the God they loved and served. 

Here’s what our messages will be looking at each week…

  • 4th August: Ruth

  • 11th August: Esther

  • 18th August: Mary (Mother of Jesus)

  • 25th August: Mary & Martha

Because our midweek groups take a break in August, instead of providing discussion notes, we’re recommending two books that will help you go deeper with the series content.

Tell Her Story by Nijay Gupta
How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church

Better Together by Danielle Strickland
How Women and Men Can Heal the Divide and Work Together to Transform the Future