One Church One Day Prayer

We’re involved as a church with the One Church One Day (OCOD) prayer initiative, which works to unite the city of Bristol in prayer and worship.

We’re asking our church family to specifically be praying for the city in the month leading up to May 6th, when our local elections are happening. We’re taking the prayer baton for our day of prayer on Monday, April 26th.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Join us for a special OCOD Evening Prayer Watch
    We’ll be focussing on praying for the peace and prosperity of Bristol. You can login to this online Zoom event, it starts at 8pm. (Meeting ID: 941 7083 1031 Passcode: 280753)

  • Sign up for a slot in our 24/7 virtual prayer room
    As a church, we’re going to be covering the city in prayer for a full 24 hour shift. You can sign up here.

  • Use our One-Hour Prayer Guide
    To help you pray for an hour, we’ve made simple prayer guide to help you. Download the Prayer Guide.

Be sure to mark the 26th April in your diary and let’s all be praying for our city! Amen.

Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life | Ben Lilford at 8:30am | 11 April 2021

11 April 2021 - 8:30am Service

Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life

This Sunday we start our new preaching series Resurrection + Restoration with a message from Ben Lilford on ‘Restored Life’.

Following on from Easter, our series Resurrection + Restoration will help us grasp what Jesus’ resurrection means and the hope we carry in our everyday lives.

Rather than wave quickly goodbye to Easter, we’re taking some time to look at Bible passages from the Gospels after Jesus was resurrected. We’ll be looking at scriptures which address personal restoration, the great commission, and how we can bring hope into the world. Each week, we’ll be trying to earth these stories in our own lives and call as a Church today.

Remember, later today at the 11am and 7pm services we’ll hear Rob Scott-Cook and Dave Mitchell speak on the same topic. Go check it out



Key thought: Have you ever felt you have completely blown it?

It’s bad enough with human relationships - what if we have ‘blown it’ with God? John 21 is the tender story of Jesus threefold re-commissioning of Peter after his threefold denial.


  1. What did Peter feel after his threefold denial of Jesus when he was arrested? (Read John 18v15-27) Did Peter feel guilt or shame? What is the difference between guilt and shame? How can we find freedom from guilt and shame?

  2. In the encounter with Jesus in John 21, what details in the story remind you of situations earlier in Peter’s life? Are there triggers for you that bring back painful memories? How can those be healed?

  3. Why did Jesus ask Peter ‘Do you love me’ three times?

  4. Have you ever felt disillusioned when leaders or people you trust have ‘blown it’? What does restoration look like for people in places of leadership and ministry?

Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life | Dave Mitchell at 7pm | 11 April 2021

How can our lives, church and world be restored by the love and power of Jesus?

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

11 April 2021 - 7pm Service

Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life

This Sunday we start our new preaching series Resurrection + Restoration with a message from Dave Mitchell on ‘Restored Life’.

Following on from Easter, our series Resurrection + Restoration will help us grasp what Jesus’ resurrection means and the hope we carry in our everyday lives.

Rather than wave quickly goodbye to Easter, we’re taking some time to look at Bible passages from the Gospels after Jesus was resurrected. We’ll be looking at scriptures that address personal restoration, the great commission, and how we can bring hope into the world. Each week, we’ll be trying to earth these stories in our own lives and call as a Church today.

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Rob Scott-Cook speak. Go check it out



Key thought: Have you ever felt you have completely blown it?

It’s bad enough with human relationships - what if we have ‘blown it’ with God? John 21 is the tender story of Jesus threefold re-commissioning of Peter after his threefold denial.


  1. What did Peter feel after his threefold denial of Jesus when he was arrested? (Read John 18v15-27) Did Peter feel guilt or shame? What is the difference between guilt and shame? How can we find freedom from guilt and shame?

  2. In the encounter with Jesus in John 21, what details in the story remind you of situations earlier in Peter’s life? Are there triggers for you that bring back painful memories? How can those be healed?

  3. Why did Jesus ask Peter ‘Do you love me’ three times?

  4. Have you ever felt disillusioned when leaders or people you trust have ‘blown it’? What does restoration look like for people in places of leadership and ministry?

Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life | Rob Scott-Cook at 11am | 11 April 2021

How can our lives, church and world be restored by the love and power of Jesus?

11 April 2021 - 11am Service

Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life

This Sunday we start our new preaching series Resurrection + Restoration with a message from Rob Scott-Cook on ‘Restored Life’.

Following on from Easter, our series Resurrection + Restoration will help us grasp what Jesus’ resurrection means and the hope we carry in our everyday lives.

Rather than wave quickly goodbye to Easter, we’re taking some time to look at Bible passages from the Gospels after Jesus was resurrected. We’ll be looking at scriptures which address personal restoration, the great commission, and how we can bring hope into the world. Each week, we’ll be trying to earth these stories in our own lives and call as a Church today.

Remember, our 7pm service will be looking at the same topic and Dave Mitchell will be sharing with us. Check it out!



Key thought: Have you ever felt you have completely blown it?

It’s bad enough with human relationships - what if we have ‘blown it’ with God? John 21 is the tender story of Jesus threefold re-commissioning of Peter after his threefold denial.


  1. What did Peter feel after his threefold denial of Jesus when he was arrested? (Read John 18v15-27) Did Peter feel guilt or shame? What is the difference between guilt and shame? How can we find freedom from guilt and shame?

  2. In the encounter with Jesus in John 21, what details in the story remind you of situations earlier in Peter’s life? Are there triggers for you that bring back painful memories? How can those be healed?

  3. Why did Jesus ask Peter ‘Do you love me’ three times?

  4. Have you ever felt disillusioned when leaders or people you trust have ‘blown it’? What does restoration look like for people in places of leadership and ministry?

Volunteer at The Noise


The Noise weekend is an annual occasion when churches across the city unity to reach out to the communities around them with a shared vision of SHOWING GOD’S LOVE IN PRACTICAL WAYS.

Each year, volunteers from different churches and communities join together to host a weekend of events and practical projects, which make a difference in neighbourhoods across the city.

Mindful of the uncertainty of the next few months, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are working towards hosting The Noise around the May Day Bank Holiday weekend (1st - 3rd May).

Across the weekend, volunteers from different churches will be:

  • Hosting free, small community events such as pop-up takeaways and treasure hunts

  • Delivering cream teas to senior citizens at home

  • Tackling practical projects to transform gardens, public areas and community spaces for those who need a helping hand.

We are passionate about Bristol and want to equip the church to continue blessing communities across the city and the people who live there, but we need your help to do it!

So, join in this opportunity to show God’s love, together, and be part of building Bristol as a city of hope.

Visit The Noise website:

Holy Week: Easter Sunday | Dave Mitchell at 7pm | 4th of April 2021

4 April 2021 - 7pm Service

Holy Week: Easter Sunday

It's Easter Sunday at Woodlands Church Online! It's so great to have you with us. This Sunday we are happy to share an inspiring message from Dave Mitchell. Whatever your experience of church or faith, we pray that this Easter time will be a special time for you.

Be sure to visit our Easter page to view other content from Holy Week 2021. We have had some special lunchtime meditations as well as our special online Good Friday service that we’d love to share with you.

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Rachel Riddall speak on the same topic. Go check it out

Holy Week: Easter Sunday | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 4th of April 2021

4 April 2021 - 11am Service

Holy Week: Easter Sunday

It's Easter Sunday at Woodlands Church Online! It's so great to have you with us. This Sunday we are happy to share an inspiring message from Dave Mitchell. Whatever your experience of church or faith, we pray that this Easter time will be a special time for you.

Be sure to visit our Easter page to view other content from Holy Week 2021. We have had some special lunchtime meditations as well as our special online Good Friday service that we’d love to share with you.

Remember, our 7pm service will be looking at the same topic. Check it out!

Holy Week: Good Friday Service | Clare Thompson at 10:30am | 2 April 2021

2 April 2021 - 10:30am Service

Holy Week at Woodlands Church

We are so pleased to have you join us online for our Good Friday service, which includes quiet reflection, guided meditation, prayer and worship based on the events of the first Good Friday led by Clare Thompson. Whatever your experience of church or faith, it's so great to have you with us

For Holy Week, we will be having special lunchtime meditations as well as our special Easter Sunday service. Be sure to visit our Easter page to get the details of what’s happening throughout the week.


Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.


He is Risen

Happy Easter Everyone!!!!

Painting or Junk model of Jerusalem

So many important things happened in Jerusalem during Holy Week. If you want you could copy this picture or you could use this to help you build a model of Jerusalem. You could use Lego, or other bricks; or you could do a junk model of it using cardboard packaging and tubes. You can read chapters 14 and 15 of Mark's gospel and put toy people in to tell the story together of Holy week.

Hot Cross Buns

Here’s an easy recipe for hot cross buns, why not make some over the Easter Holidays!

Scripture Union have created a brilliant Easter Trail where you scan the QR code which takes you to a video about the Easter Story. You could do it in your garden with friends or why not put it up around your local area.

You can download the QR codes here:

We have some great activities this week, an edible Easter Garden and a Stained Glass cross to decorate your windows

Resurrection + Restoration Series

How can our lives, church and world be restored by the love and power of Jesus?

Following on from Easter, our series Resurrection + Restoration will help us grasp what Jesus’ resurrection means and the hope we carry in our everyday lives.

Rather than wave quickly goodbye to Easter, we’re taking some time to look at Bible passages from the Gospels after Jesus was resurrected. We’ll be looking at scriptures which address personal restoration, the great commission, and how we can bring hope into the world. Each week, we’ll be trying to earth these stories in our own lives and call as a Church today.

Remember you can book in advance to attend church in person. Capacity will be limited and COVID safe precautions will be taken. Simply book online here:

Here’s what our preaching topics during this series are:

  • Restored Life | 11th April 2021

    Restored Church | 18th April 2021

    Restored World | 25th April 2021


Holy Week: King | Nigel Savage at 7pm | 28th of March 2021

21 March 2021 - 7pm Service

Jesus Foretold: King

This Sunday we continue our Easter preaching series Jesus Foretold with a message from Nigel Savage on ‘King’.

Our series Jesus Foretold will help us grasp the big picture of God’s salvation purpose for humankind. We will look at Jesus' life through the Gospels and consider how the Old Testament prophetic records help us better understand the Easter story.

For Holy Week, we will be having special lunchtime meditations and our online Good Friday service as well as our special Easter Sunday service. Be sure to visit our Easter page to get the details of what’s happening throughout the week.

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Rachel Riddall speak on the same topic. Go check it out

Holy Week: King | Rachel Riddall at 11am | 28th March 2021

28 March 2021 - 11am Service

Jesus Foretold

This Sunday we continue our Easter preaching series Jesus Foretold with a message from Rachel Riddall.

In the lead up to Easter, our series Jesus Foretold will help us grasp the big picture of God’s salvation purpose for humankind. We will look at Jesus' life through the Gospels and consider how the Old Testament prophetic records help us better understand the Easter story.

For Holy Week, we will be having special lunchtime meditations and our online Good Friday service as well as our special Easter Sunday service. Be sure to visit our Easter page to get the details of what’s happening throughout the week.

Remember, our 7pm service will be looking at the same topic and Nigel Savage will be sharing with us. Check it out!

Bible School with Jasper Knecht

At Woodlands Bible School this March, we welcomed theologian Jasper Knecht from WTC who spoke on “Biblical Authority and Inspiration”. In this talk, Jasper talks about inspiration, scriptural authority, and why we can trust the words of Scripture.

He’ll be unpacking questions like: Which Bible translation should we use? What is the difference between The Passion Translation, The Message, or The Amplified Version, and the more traditional translations like the NRSV, NIV, RSV, and others?

Woodies Kids | Lent and the journey towards Easter (week 4)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week we Think About …


Lent and the Journey towards easter

Junior Explorers (year 4-6) have been working through Pilgrim Pathways and thinking about what items we might need if we were going on a journey and how these would play out in our lives as followers of Jesus.

Bright Lights (Year 1-3) have been looking at the story of Benjamin’s box in the run up to Easter. We have been thinking about what things are special to us and how God’s wants to talk to us through them.

Jesus Foretold: Suffering | Rob Scott-Cook at 8:30am | 21st March 2021

21 March 2021 - 8:30am Service

Jesus Foretold: Suffering

This Sunday we continue our Easter preaching series Jesus Foretold with a message from Rob Scott-Cook on ‘Suffering’.

In the lead up to Easter, our series Jesus Foretold will help us grasp the big picture of God’s salvation purpose for humankind. We will look at Jesus' life through the Gospels and consider how the Old Testament prophetic records help us better understand the Easter story.

For Holy Week, we will be having special lunchtime meditations and our online Good Friday service as well as our special Easter Sunday service. Be sure to visit our Easter page to get the details of what’s happening throughout the week.

Remember, later today at the 11am and 7pm services we’ll hear Dave Mitchell and Rob Scott-Cook speak. Go check it out

Jesus Foretold: Suffering | Rob Scott-Cook at 7pm | 21st March 2021

21 March 2021 - 7pm Service

Jesus Foretold: Suffering

This Sunday we continue our Easter preaching series Jesus Foretold with a message from Rob Scott-Cook on ‘Suffering’.

In the lead up to Easter, our series Jesus Foretold will help us grasp the big picture of God’s salvation purpose for humankind. We will look at Jesus' life through the Gospels and consider how the Old Testament prophetic records help us better understand the Easter story.

For Holy Week, we will be having special lunchtime meditations and our online Good Friday service as well as our special Easter Sunday service. Be sure to visit our Easter page to get the details of what’s happening throughout the week.

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Dave Mitchell speak. Go check it out

Jesus Foretold | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 21st March 2021

21 March 2021 - 11am Service

Jesus Foretold

This Sunday we continue our Easter preaching series Jesus Foretold with a message from Dave Mitchell.

In the lead up to Easter, our series Jesus Foretold will help us grasp the big picture of God’s salvation purpose for humankind. We will look at Jesus' life through the Gospels and consider how the Old Testament prophetic records help us better understand the Easter story.

For Holy Week, we will be having special lunchtime meditations and our online Good Friday service as well as our special Easter Sunday service. Be sure to visit our Easter page to get the details of what’s happening throughout the week.

Remember, our 7pm service will be looking at the topic ‘Suffering’ and Rob Scott-Cook will be sharing with us. Check it out!

Woodies Kids | Lent and the journey towards Easter (week 3)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

this week we Think About …


Lent and the Journey towards easter

Junior Explorers (year 4-6) have been working through Pilgrim Pathways and thinking about what items we might need if we were going on a journey and how these would play out in our lives as followers of Jesus.

Bright Lights (Year 1-3) have been looking at the story of Benjamin’s box in the run up to Easter. We have been thinking about what things are special to us and how God’s wants to talk to us through them.