The Bible, Jesus & Me Series

‘Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself’. (Luke 24 v 27)

On Sunday mornings throughout June, we will be considering a series called ‘Finding Jesus in the Old Testament’.

We will be considering the question, how do we understand how Jesus fulfils scripture and what difference does it make to us today.

Messages in this series will cover:

  • 5th June:
    AM: The Temple and Jesus: Exodus 40 and 1 Kings 8

  • 12th June:
    AM: The People of God and Jesus: Genesis 12 v 1-3

  • 19th June:
    AM: Exodus/Exile and Jesus

  • 26th June:
    AM: High Priest and Jesus: Leviticus 8-9 – Hebrews 7 v25


Church: Boring, Hypocritical, Irrelevant? Series

Countering the carricuture

On Sunday evenings throughout June, we will be considering a series called ‘Church – Boring, Hypocritical, Irrelevant?’

The church as depicted in our media is often caricatured or mocked as boring, hypocritical or irrelevant. How can the Church be dangerous, non-judgemental and on the cutting edge of culture and society as it is called to be?

Messages in this series will cover:

  • 5th June:
    PM: Boring?: Acts 5 v12-16

  • 12th June:
    PM: Global Church: Acts 2 v5-12

  • 19th June:
    PM: Irrelevant?: 1 Corinthians 1 v 18-31

  • 26th June:
    PM: Hypocritical?: Luke 6 v 37


Eating Disorders Course

Are you struggling with an eating disorder?

New ID is a 6-week Christian course for those who suffer from eating disorders but are ready to move on. Includes anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating.

The starting premise is that complete freedom is possible. Confidentiality is key and time is given for prayer for participants.

We will be running the course at Alma Church starting on Monday, 6 June. Registration is essential, by 30 May.

To sign up, simply email the team and they will be in touch with more info: