Both/And Series

What can we learn from ‘both/and’ characters in the Bible?

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This February, we’ll be exploring some of the rich characterisation of people we don’t often look at from the Bible.

In particular, we’ll be focusing on issues raised in these contrasting personalities. The people we’re focusing on will show different examples of what ambition, leadership and servanthood looked like and how their own strengths and weaknesses affected them and those in their lives. 

Our preaching topics during this series are:

  • Jacob and Esau - 7 February

  • Judas and Mary - 14 February

  • Mary and Martha - 21 February

  • Ruth and Samson - 28 February

  • Paul and Barnabas - 7 March

Download the series discussion notes to help you go deeper with these topics, either on your own or in a mid-week group.