The Spirit & Worship | Tim Dobson | 30th January at 7pm

As we go into the New Year this January, on Sunday evenings we are having a ‘Holy Spirit intensive’. We know that we need the Spirit’s help to lead a discipleship life. It’s not about trying harder but leaning on God and letting His Spirit work in our lives in everything, including the very prayers we pray.

30th of January - 7pm Service

Captive Series

This February, our Captive series will look at common threats to mental health and well-being and how we can arm ourselves to fight for our freedom with the help of God.

Many people feel that their heart, mind, and even bodies are held captive by threats of anxiety, fear, depression and loneliness. Jesus approached those trapped in hopelessness with compassion and empathy.

Mental and emotional distress often prompts people to search for answers and for God. We want this series to enable openness and authenticity in our conversations about mental health in church. We know we can’t solve everything, but Jesus can bring hope and offer freedom.

Talks in this series will cover:

  • 13th February: Had enough?

  • 20th February: When Anxiety Attacks

  • 27th February: Toxic

Additional well-being resources
Woodlands has a wealth of resources to support our church family to pursue well-being including:

Join us for church on Sundays
You no longer need to book to come to church in person. We are asking for parents to book children into their groups at the 9.15am and 11am services. We hope to see you soon!


February Bible Memory Challenge

Are you up for a challenge?

Our thinking is shaped by what we feed our minds and imaginations. Why not take up the February Bible Verse Memory Challenge and, with others, memorise 28 verses from the Bible that will challenge your thinking and inspire you to live well.

The challenge starts on 1st February, with a new verse each day. Do join in and see how God's Word can change your life.

You can take part on social media using the link below:

The Spirit & Witness | Dave Mitchell | 23rd January at 7pm

As we go into the New Year this January, on Sunday evenings we are having a ‘Holy Spirit intensive’. We know that we need the Spirit’s help to lead a discipleship life. It’s not about trying harder but leaning on God and letting His Spirit work in our lives in everything, including the very prayers we pray.

23rd of January - 7pm Service

Disciplines of Holiness | Rob Scott Cook | 23rd January at 11am

As we go into the New Year this January, and begin our prayer week, do join our morning series on Spiritual Disciplines. Discipline can sound heavy, but it’s best to think of disciplines as tools for discipleship making. If you want to be a disciple, here’s some tools for you

23rd of January - 11am Service

February EcoChallenge: Support Fairtrade

For our February EcoChallenge, Woodlands People & Planet are asking us to all get involved with Fairtrade Fortnight 2022. Learn more about Fairtrade and get involved from 21 February to 6 March 2022.

It’s only fair!

Fairtrade is how we should do trade all the time, but once a year, the world shines a spotlight on the importance of paying a fair price to people and communities in the far-flung places across the world, who mine our gold, grow our food and drinks, make our clothes and a myriad of other products.

As Jesus Followers we want to be a part of a just world, where all humans are equal, have access to work, fair pay, education, food, health and other resources – these are basic human rights after all. But we know that in reality, the most vulnerable communities in developing countries are exploited everyday and do not earn enough to take care of their families, access medical care and many of the things we take for granted here. 

Fairtrade seeks to redress the trading and power imbalance that the Global North through the mechanism of multinational corporations have over the Global South by distributing profits more equitably by paying a fair price for raw materials and goods. By practicing Fairtrade, we can help to transform the lives of millions of people simply buying Fairtrade products online and instore.  

The truth is we can all make a difference, just by tweaking our buying habits, because a little bit goes a long way if we all join in. A good place to start is by celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight which takes place from 21 February to 6 March 2022. The theme this year is Choose the World you Want

There are other ways to celebrate Fairtrade too, why not visit the Fairtrade UK website and read about their efforts to secure a living wage for cocoa farmers, the UK chocolate industry is worth £4 billion but too little of this makes its way to the farmers.

There are lots of way you can contribute to Fairtrade’s work - here are some ideas:

Fairtrade doesn’t have to stop here, once Fairtrade Fortnight is over, why not add at least one Fairtrade product to your regular shopping list? Bananas, tea and chocolate are easy ones!

To explore how to live a more sustainable life and support equity and human rights, join People + Planet, we meet to pray, share ideas and take action. We are activists for Jesus. 


If you’d be interested in finding out more about the Woodlands People + Planet group, or have some feedback about the challenges, connect with us:

The Spirit & Anointing | Rob Scott Cook | 16th January at 7pm

As we go into the New Year this January, on Sunday evenings we are having a ‘Holy Spirit intensive’. We know that we need the Spirit’s help to lead a discipleship life. It’s not about trying harder but leaning on God and letting His Spirit work in our lives in everything, including the very prayers we pray.

16th of January - 7pm Service

Healing Disciplines | Rachel Riddall | 16th January at 11am

As we go into the New Year this January, and begin our prayer week, do join our morning series on Spiritual Disciplines. Discipline can sound heavy, but it’s best to think of disciplines as tools for discipleship making. If you want to be a disciple, here’s some tools for you

16th of January - 11am Service

The Spirit & Prayer | Tim & Ella | 9th January at 7pm

As we go into the New Year this January, on Sunday evenings we are having a ‘Holy Spirit intensive’. We know that we need the Spirit’s help to lead a discipleship life. It’s not about trying harder but leaning on God and letting His Spirit work in our lives in everything, including the very prayers we pray.

9th of January - 7pm Service

Celebration of Discipline: Devotions | Hazel Askew | 9th January at 11am

As we go into the New Year this January, and begin our prayer week, do join our morning series on Spiritual Disciplines. Discipline can sound heavy, but it’s best to think of disciplines as tools for discipleship making. If you want to be a disciple, here’s some tools for you

9th of January - 11am Service

Prayer Week: 9-16 January 2022

It’s Prayer Week from 9th - 16th January 2022 - let’s get praying and fasting!

You are invited to join the Woodlands Group of Churches for a dedicated week of prayer and fasting for our city, nation and the world. We have felt strongly impressed for us the words from Matthew 6 v 33:

'Seek first His Kingdom'.

As we start 2022 with the pandemic continuing to be a big part of all our lives, if feels wholly appropriate to gather together in one spirit to fast and and cry out to God for his kingdom to come here, as it is in heaven. It is a brilliant way to start the New Year, surrendering ourselves to God's goodness and power and his will for ourselves, our church and our world, which so desperately needs it. 

There are a few key ways you can get involved throughout Prayer Week and we’d love everyone to take part. 

A Week of Prayer & Fasting

There are lots of ways to join in at home and in person. We’d love it if everyone in our church community got involved…

  1. Book a slot in the 24/7 Prayer Room
    You can sign up to pray in hour long slots in our creative Prayer Room space in Woodlands Central. Bookings start on Sunday, 9th January at 7pm.

  2. Logon to the Woodlands Group of Churches Prayer Evening on Zoom
    Join us on Monday, 10th January from 8pm - 9.00pm for an evening of prayer as we hear each of our congregational leaders share what’s on their hearts so we can pray for the year ahead. The Zoom code is 879 5882 3538 passcode 925374

  3. Come to Morning Prayer Watch on Zoom from 7.30am - 8.15am
    Join us online from Monday to Thursday for daily sessions hosted and led by different members of our staff team and church community as we pray for ourselves, Church, our City and the World each morning. Zoom code is 790410830 (no password needed).

  4. Join us for a Southside prayer walking event in Bedminster
    Come along on Tuesday, 11th January to Bedminster Methodist (British Road, Bedminster, BS3 3BW) at 8pm for a prayer walking event in the local area.

  5. Watch our Daily Devotionals on Facebook Live at 9.05 
    Our daily devotions will inspire and challenge us to pray and fast. So be sure to tune in! You don’t have to be a Facebook member, as they appear on our public page.

  6. Come along to an Evening of Worship & Prayer
    On Thursday, 13th January from 8pm - 9.30pm we’re having a special prayer and worship event in the Main Hall at Woodlands Central. (COVID restrictions dependant).

  7. Come to Prayer Watch in person on Friday Morning
    We will be meeting in foyer to pray 7.30am - 8.30am (COVID restrictions dependant).

  8. Fast during Prayer Week
    The Bible teaches the value of fasting in order to focus on prayer and seek God’s will. We would like for our church family to think about fasting and make a plan for this could fit into your routine during Prayer Week. It could be that you decide to fast a single meal, or fast for a day or even longer. To learn about fasting, watch this preach from Tim Dobson on Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting & Feasting.

  9. Download our Families Prayer Guide for helpful ways to pray each day with your children.

Praying for Our Churches

To help us pray for across the Woodlands Group of Churches during Prayer Week, we asked the leaders of each church to share their prayer requests so that we can pray specifically for each of their needs. We’ll be posting these on Facebook once a day from Monday through Saturday.

Please take some time this week to be praying for:







Holy Spirit Intensive Series

As we go into the New Year this January, on Sunday evenings we are having a ‘Holy Spirit intensive’. We know that we need the Spirit’s help to lead a discipleship life. It’s not about trying harder but leaning on God and letting His Spirit work in our lives in everything, including the very prayers we pray.

Talks in this series will cover:

  • 2nd January: Covenant & Renewal

  • 9th January: The Spirit & Prayer

  • 16th January: The Spirit & Annointing

  • 23th January: The Spirit & Witness

  • 30th January: The Spirit & Worship

  • 6th February: Firebreak

Join us for church on Sundays
You no longer need to book to come to church in person. We are asking for parents to book children into their groups at the 9.15am and 11am services. We hope to see you soon!


Welcome to the New Year: Promise keeping | Dave Mitchell | 2nd January at 11am

As we go into the New Year this January, and begin our prayer week, do join our morning series on Spiritual Disciplines. Discipline can sound heavy, but it’s best to think of disciplines as tools for discipleship making. If you want to be a disciple, here’s some tools for you.

2nd January - 11am Service

Holy Spirit Intensive: Covenant & Renewal | Clare Thompson | 2nd January at 7pm

As we go into the New Year this January, on Sunday evenings we are having a ‘Holy Spirit intensive’. We know that we need the Spirit’s help to lead a discipleship life. It’s not about trying harder but leaning on God and letting His Spirit work in our lives in everything, including the very prayers we pray.

2nd of January - 7pm Service

Celebration of Discipline Series

As we go into the New Year this January, and begin our Prayer Week, do join our morning series on Spiritual Disciplines. Discipline can sound heavy, but it’s best to think of disciplines as tools for discipleship making. If you want to be a disciple, here’s some tools for you.

Talks in this series will cover:

  • 2nd January: Welcome to the New Year

  • 9th January: Discipline of Making Space for God

  • 16th January: Healing Disciplines

  • 23th January: Discipline of Holiness

  • 30th January: Discipline of Celebration

Join us for church on Sundays
You no longer need to book to come to church in person. We are asking for parents to book children into their groups at the 9.15am and 11am services. We hope to see you soon!


January EcoChallenge: Be more eco friendly in 2022

For our January EcoChallenge, Woodlands People & Planet are sharing some helpful ways for us to be more eco friendly in 2022. Some of us are overcome with anxiety by our planet’s future, others are simply wondering what we could do more of to live more sustainably. 

There is a huge disparity between the impact you as an individual consumer can have vs that of large corporations and it often fills us with a sense of “why bother”. It may seem pointless to try when all you hear in the media are horror stories about rising sea levels, droughts and coral reefs dying. But it is so much more damaging to bury your head in the proverbial sand and do nothing than to change at least one thing that will lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. 

Mindy Chung argues that “being eco-friendly isn’t a competition or standard – there’s no need to approach it from a perfectionist standpoint. It’s just about doing what you can to lessen your carbon footprint – both as an individual and as a consumer.” 

So what can you do in 2022?


Start small
No one can change everything all at once, think/pray about one thing you would like to change and do it.


Avoid single-use waste when possible

Buy loose fruit and vegetables where you can – most shops offer this – and buy from places that allow you to use your own bags or jars (this may mean that you pay more for your goods, I consider this as an investment into the producers, the earth and my children’s future).


Buy second-hand when possible

You can buy most things second hand these days – from clothing to furniture to electrical goods – charity shops and online platforms like ebay or gumtree offer a wealth of items that are cheaper to buy than if you buy them new and mean that you are making use of an item that would otherwise be put into landfill. 


Become a conscientious consumer

We are all tempted by cheap offers and like to think we are virtuous because we are saving money. But the reality is that there is usually someone/something in the production chain that suffers because our need for a bargain. Educating yourself about the companies you buy from and the products that are particularly harmful to the environment is an important step to become a more conscientious consumer.  


Advocate for change

Never underestimate that your voice can make a difference when you demand change. Be vocal on social media, vote for environmental matters, support figures who are passionate about the environment and lobby your MP when and where you can. This takes energy to do but it is so worthwhile!

We can’t do everything all at once but one step at a time will make a big difference. Wishing you a happy start to 2022!

For more information, check out Mindy Chung’s essay that this blog was based on:


If you’d be interested in finding out more about the Woodlands People + Planet group, or have some feedback about the challenges, connect with us: