First Things First: Making Disciples | Dave Mitchell at 7pm | 12 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

12 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Dave is looking at what it means to make disciples and spread the love of God to those around us.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Matthew 28:18-20

Famous last words reveal what is the heart priority for the speaker. Matthew records Jesus last words to his closest friends as a command to ‘make disciples’. In other words, a true disciple is a disciple making disciple!

  1. What is your definition of a disciple?

  2. In what ways do you express your discipleship as a follower of Jesus?

  3. Has anyone consciously ‘discipled’ you do you think? Who was it and how did they go about it?

  4. How much do you think growing in discipleship is about being in a context where you are stretched challenged and supported, or being in a relationship where you are stretched challenged and supported? What do those things look like in your life?

  5. How did Jesus disciple people and what can we learn from Him about discipling others?

  6. In what ways if any can being part of a small group help your discipleship and that of its members?

  7. What is your experience of spiritual disciplines? Can you describe any that you use?

First Things First: Making Disciples | Rachel Riddall at 11am | 12 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

12 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Rachel is looking at what it means to make disciples and spread the love of God to those around us.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Matthew 28:18-20

Famous last words reveal what is the heart priority for the speaker. Matthew records Jesus last words to his closest friends as a command to ‘make disciples’. In other words, a true disciple is a disciple making disciple!

  1. What is your definition of a disciple?

  2. In what ways do you express your discipleship as a follower of Jesus?

  3. Has anyone consciously ‘discipled’ you do you think? Who was it and how did they go about it?

  4. How much do you think growing in discipleship is about being in a context where you are stretched challenged and supported, or being in a relationship where you are stretched challenged and supported? What do those things look like in your life?

  5. How did Jesus disciple people and what can we learn from Him about discipling others?

  6. In what ways if any can being part of a small group help your discipleship and that of its members?

  7. What is your experience of spiritual disciplines? Can you describe any that you use?

First Things First: Loving God | Tim Dobson at 7pm | 5 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

5 September 2021 - 7pm Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Tim is looking at what it means to really love God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read: Matthew 22:34-40 and Deuteronomy 6:1-7

Our preaching series was originally called ‘Big Rocks’ after the well-known visual aid about prioritising things. If you have some sand, pebbles and big stones to fit into a limited container, you need to get the big rocks in for everything to fit. (Why not try it out as an experiment?). What are the big rocks, the key priorities in our lives?

Jesus was asked that question, ‘What is the greatest commandment?’. He responded by quoting from Deuteronomy 6 , the Shema that Jewish people would recite every day. ‘Love God’ is an imperative not a noun!

  1. What does it tell us about Christianity that the greatest command is to love God, not to obey God? What does that tell us about God’s priorities?

  2. How do you love God who you haven’t seen? How do you know that you do? (John 14:23)

  3. How do we express love to God collectively as a Church as well as individually? How do those two dynamics affect one another? What does it mean to love God concretely, with our whole being, not just abstractly- as a lovely thought?

  4. If love is something we can to some degree choose to do, with an element of ‘will’ as well as ‘emotion’ how do we cultivate love for God in our lives?

  5. What are God’s ‘love languages’ do you think?

While God’s love for us is describes as never failing our own Love for God can be more unstable? What do you think the role of the Holy Spirit is in helping us love God with our whole being?

First Things First: Loving God | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 5 September 2021

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

5 September 2021 - 11am Service

First Things First Series

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. This week, Dave is looking at what it means to really love God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read: Matthew 22:34-40 and Deuteronomy 6:1-7

Our preaching series was originally called ‘Big Rocks’ after the well-known visual aid about prioritising things. If you have some sand, pebbles and big stones to fit into a limited container, you need to get the big rocks in for everything to fit. (Why not try it out as an experiment?). What are the big rocks, the key priorities in our lives?

Jesus was asked that question, ‘What is the greatest commandment?’. He responded by quoting from Deuteronomy 6 , the Shema that Jewish people would recite every day. ‘Love God’ is an imperative not a noun!

  1. What does it tell us about Christianity that the greatest command is to love God, not to obey God? What does that tell us about God’s priorities?

  2. How do you love God who you haven’t seen? How do you know that you do? (John 14:23)

  3. How do we express love to God collectively as a Church as well as individually? How do those two dynamics affect one another? What does it mean to love God concretely, with our whole being, not just abstractly- as a lovely thought?

  4. If love is something we can to some degree choose to do, with an element of ‘will’ as well as ‘emotion’ how do we cultivate love for God in our lives?

  5. What are God’s ‘love languages’ do you think?

While God’s love for us is describes as never failing our own Love for God can be more unstable? What do you think the role of the Holy Spirit is in helping us love God with our whole being?

Prayer Week this September

Let’s get praying this month! It’s Prayer Week from 13th - 19th September 2021.

There are a few key ways you can get involved throughout Prayer Week at Woodlands. We’d love everyone to take part. It's an opportunity to start this new term with some focused prayer, to draw near to God and listen to Him. We’re also excited to be able to meet in person to pray and worship together at church.

There are lots of ways to join in and wouldn't it be great if everyone in our church community did at least one thing!

  • Book a slot in the Prayer Room 
    24/7 from 13th - 19th September at Woodlands or online.
    Our creative team are making an inspiring space for us to pray in person at Woodlands. You can sign up to pray for an hour and use our Prayer Guide to support you to use the hour in a structured way if you wish. The guide has pointers and ideas to pray about and take you through the hour step by step.

  • Come to the Evening Prayer & Worship Gathering
    Monday, 13th Sept from 8pm - 9.30pm in The Crypt
    Join us in person for a heartfelt prayer and worship sessions hosted and led by our team.

  • Come to Morning Prayer Watch
    Monday to Thursday, 13th - 16th September on Zoom from 7.30am - 8.15am 
    Friday, 17th September in person at Woodlands from 7.30am - 8.15am

    Join us online and in person for daily sessions hosted and led by different members of our staff team and church community as we pray for ourselves, Church, our City and the World each morning. 

  • Watch our Daily Devotionals on Facebook Live at 9.05 
    Monday to Friday, 13th - 17th September on Facebook Live at 9.05am
    Our daily devotions will have a prayer focus and also lead us in a way of praying each morning. So be sure to tune in! You don’t have to be a Facebook member, as they appear on our public page.

As a church, we love to pray. You can find out more about our weekly and monthly prayer meetings on our Prayer page.

September EcoChallenge: Switch to Green Energy

Screenshot 2021-09-01 at 15.24.30.png

At Woodies, we are keen love God's creation and our People + Planet group is key in helping us to reduce our impact on the environment as a church. Our monthly EcoChallenges help everyone in church to take part from home. This month, David Parker shares the some helpful tips for how to get involved.

September 2021: EcoChallege - “Switch to Green Energy”

An easy but significant step you can make in the fight against climate change is to switch to a renewable electricity tariff. It means that for every kilowatt of electricity you use, your supplier will commit to buying the equivalent amount of energy from renewable sources. It’s a powerful way you can promote the development of green energy sources using the money you spend on your electricity bill.

A lot of renewable tariffs are now very competitively priced, so you might even find that switching can save you money! The electricity supply at the church buildings at the Woodlands group of churches has been on a renewable tariff for some years now.

  • If you’re interested in finding out more it’s worth reading this article from Which explaining how some renewable tariffs are greener than others.

  • You can also try using the Big Clean Switch price comparison website which vets the providers it lists for their green credentials.



If you’d be interested in finding out more about the Woodlands People + Planet group, or have some feedback about the challenges, connect with us:

First Things First Series

Our September series is looking at how we cultivate Kingdom priorities…

This month, we’re taking some time to reflect on the priorities in our lives and how they affect our walk with God. Do our priorities help or hinder us when it comes to discipleship and being active in Church? What is the Kingdom cause in our generation?

We hope you can join us in person or online throughout September as our leaders unpack these thought provoking topics. You can go deeper with each message by using our discussion notes on your own or in your small group, just look for them on each talk webpage below.

You no longer need to book to come to church in person. Children do need to be booked in to help things run smoothly. We hope to see you soon!


Life Messages: Who are we becoming? | Matt Dobson at 7pm | 22 August 2021

Our summer series is an open theme…

22 August 2021 - 7pm Service

Life Messages

On Sundays in August, a different person will be sharing a LIFE MESSAGE each week, we've asked the team to think of the thing they would most like to say to the Church. Matt is sharing with us about how character is important to him and asks us to think “Who are we becoming?”.

We are also very excited to be baptising Andrew in tonight’s service, who has a truly moving testimony and we are so glad to have him in our church family.

Life Messages: Reaching Out | Richard Pollard at 11am | 22 August 2021

Our summer series is an open theme…

22 August 2021 - 11am Service

Life Messages

On Sundays in August, a different person will be sharing a LIFE MESSAGE each week, we've asked the team to think of the thing they would most like to say to the Church. Richard Pollard is talking to us today his passion for reaching out to the unchurched, to those who don’t yet know God, to make disciples of all nations. It is the Great Commission!

Student Accommodation at Woodlands

Woodlands is an exciting place to be as a student and a place to call home during your time at University. 

As a church, we have unique student accommodation in the top floor of our building on Woodland Road right in the heart of Clifton and the University of Bristol campus. We believe that living in community is a great way to really enjoy your time at university. 

The student accommodation is made up of 16 study bedrooms, a shared kitchen/diner, a lounge and shared bathrooms. Each study bedroom is for an individual, has it's own basin and and comes furnished with a bed, desk, desk chair, comfy chair, wardrobe and drawers, bookshelf and two small tables.

We have a live in senior resident who welcomes new residents and is the first port of call for any questions. 

The flats have been COVID-19 risk assessed and the communal areas are cleaned once a week by our cleaning team.


If you’re interested in arranging a viewing or finding out more information, please fill in the form below and our Accommodation Manger will be in touch.


Holiday Club in August

Woodlands Church is running a Holiday Club full of Fantastic Feats!

Tuesday, 24th August - Thursday, 26th August 2021 from 9:30am - 12.00pm daily.

Come and join the Circus for three days of Storytelling, Worship, Teaching, Crafts, Games and Silliness.  It is going to be fantastic!

Featuring: Acts of Faith, Hope and Courage, Crafts, Worship and impossible challenges from the Ringmaster himself!

For children in reception to year 6.

We're really excited to be able to offer this opportunity for children to connect with God and each other again and are praying they have a great time.

Spaces are limited, so be sure to book your kids in soon!

Life Messages: The Church | Dave Mitchell at 7pm | 15 August 2021

Our summer series is an open theme…

15 August 2021 - 7pm Service

Life Messages

On Sundays in August, a different person will be sharing a LIFE MESSAGE each week, we've asked the team to think of the thing they would most like to say to the Church. Dave is sharing with us his passion and vision for the Church.

We hope you can join us in person or online throughout August as our leaders share with us what’s on their hearts right now.

Life Messages: God's Love | Laura Harris at 7pm | 8 August 2021

Our summer series is an open theme…

8 August 2021 - 7pm Service

Life Messages

On Sundays in August, a different person will be sharing a LIFE MESSAGE each week, we've asked the team to think of the thing they would most like to say to the Church.

We hope you can join us in person or online throughout August as our leaders share with us what’s on their hearts right now.

Life Messages | Nigel Savage at 7pm | 1 August 2021

Our summer series is an open theme…

1 August 2021 - 7pm Service

Life Messages

On Sundays in August, a different person will be sharing a LIFE MESSAGE each week, we've asked the team to think of the thing they would most like to say to the Church.

We hope you can join us in person or online throughout August as our leaders share with us what’s on their hearts right now. Tonight Nigel is talking to us about spiritual authority…and drumming too!