Woodies Kids | Old Testament Characters Week 3 - Gideon

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

over the next few weeks We will be learning about people from the old testament.

this week we focus on…


You can find the story of Gideon in Judges 7

Today we look at the story of Gideon. Gideon didn’t feel like he was big enough or good enough for the huge task ahead of Him! But he trusted God and listened to God, and an army of 300 was able to defeat the full Midianite army!

Time to Think

What was unexpected about the way that Gideon and his men won the battle? 

What was the reason Gideon won the battle? 

Do you think it was difficult for Gideon to trust God?

Do you think Gideon was glad that he had trusted God?

Do you find it easy to trust God?

Is there anything you need to trust God with at the moment?

Gideon and his army must have felt as small as we do sometimes, but God was really interested in them and won a mighty victory through them. Can you think of situations where you have felt small or as if you are facing a big army? God will be with you in those situations if you ask Him. 

Tiny Treasures have been learning about Noah this week.

Enjoy a fantastic retelling of the story of Noah by the Crow family!

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Dear God,

Please be with me when I feel like I can’t do things. Help me with Your strength,


Journeys: Walk in The Spirit | April Ballard at 7pm | 27 September 2020

Audio Block
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27 September 2020 - 7pm Service

Journeys: Walk in The Spirit

This Sunday, we continue our preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from April Ballard.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.



At the start of 2020 Rob Scott-Cook felt prompted to share as a prophetic word for the year, 'Keep in step with the Spirit'. In our series on Journeys we ask what does that mean in practice? How do we keep in step with the Spirit?

Read Ephesians 4 & 5 and Galatians 5:16-26.

  1. The language of the Spirit in the New Testament gives us clues to the challenge of walking in the Spirit. The Spirit is compared to the wind that blows where it wills (John 3:8), to a Dove that could take flight at any time (John 1:32-33), to a fire that can be quenched (1 Thess 5:19) and to a person who can be grieved (Ephesians 5:30). Which of those images relate to your experience of the Spirit? What does the bible context of these verses tell you about how to keep in step with Spirit?

  2. How do you relate to the personhood of the Holy Spirit? Why is it important to recognise that the Spirit is a person, not an impersonal force or energy to be used?

  3. What do you think grieves the Spirit?

  4. Can you think of any biblical characters or stories where people failed to keep in step with the Spirit? What can we learn from them?

  5. Is there a tension between 'fanning into flame' the life of the Spirit (2 Timothy 1:6) the 'annointing' of the Spirit, and the downpayment deposit guarantee of the Spirit that 'seals' our Salvation (2 Corinthians 1:22)? Can you keep some aspects of your life in the Spirit while losing others?

  6. What do you need to do, risk, change in your life to keep in step with the Spirit?

Woodies Kids | Old Testament Characters Week 2 - Joshua

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

over the next few weeks We will be learning about people from the old testament.

this week we focus on…


You can find the story of Joshua in Joshua 6:1-27

In this story we look at how Joshua’s faith and trust in God gave him the courage to do what he was asked to do. Joshua had a big mission and a big responsibility! He was probably scared but he knew that God was with Him and He trusted Him, listened to Him and found the courage to do what was needed. Joshua was brave and obeyed God even when the things He asked him to do were really hard.

Time to Think

What did Joshua do that was so brave?

Would you have fought a battle with trumpets?! Why did Joshua do this?

Joshua knew that God has promised to be with them and that they had to obey God and do what He asked. Even though marching around the city walls and blowing trumpets may have seemed a little strange, that was what God has told them to do. Joshua knew that with God on their side they would win.

God promises to be with us, like He was with Joshua.

We too can be brave in difficult situations because we know that God is always with us (we do need to try and to live in a way that shows we love Him). What does it means to obey God? It could mean living in such a way that shows they love God… living in the way the Bible teaches us to live.

Join Lydia as we start our new series of videos. This week we are learning about Joshua with Ellie

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Dear God,

When I am afraid or unsure in a situation give me courage and help me to be brave like Joshua.


Journeys: Wilderness | Laura Harris at 7pm | 20 September 2020

20 September 2020 - 7pm Service

Journeys: Wilderness

This Sunday, we continue our preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from Laura Harris.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

Remember, our 11am service is also looking at this topic, and Philip Jinadu shared a message with us. Check it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.



In the Bible the wilderness is both a place of nurture and a place of challenge.

In the Exodus journey the wilderness was a place where the miraculous power of God was seen, where law was given, where supernatural food was provided. It was also a place of battles, of giants, of grumbling and judgement.

The wilderness was a place to hide from enemies; it was also a place of testing. It was a place free from distraction, it was a place of exile and temptation. Perhaps it can be described as a place of clarity, of black and white.


Read Exodus 16-18 and 32

  1. What does the word wilderness mean to you? What seasons of your life could you describe as 'wilderness'? Does the idea of wilderness as a place of nurture surprise you (Rev 12:14) ?

  2. How has Covid been like a wilderness season? What have been the giants, what have been the blessings?

  3. What things have become clear to you in the wilderness seasons of life? Have these presented as temptations to sin, or steps of obedience to follow? What is God saying to you about your obedience to Him, in a wilderness.

  4. Why is grumbling taken so seriously in the Exodus story?

  5. The journey through the wilderness sifted and tested Israel, preparing them to take the promised land. Jesus left the wilderness 'in the power of the Holy Spirit'. A wilderness can make you 'bitter or better'. How have wilderness times affected you?

Journeys: Wilderness | Clare Thompson at 11am | 20 September 2020

20 September 2020 - 11am Service

Journeys: Wilderness

This Sunday we continue our preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from Clare Thompson on ‘Wilderness’.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

Remember, our 7pm service is also looking at this topic, and Steve Ballard will be sharing with us. Check it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.



In the Bible the wilderness is both a place of nurture and a place of challenge.

In the Exodus journey the wilderness was a place where the miraculous power of God was seen, where law was given, where supernatural food was provided. It was also a place of battles, of giants, of grumbling and judgement.

The wilderness was a place to hide from enemies; it was also a place of testing. It was a place free from distraction, it was a place of exile and temptation. Perhaps it can be described as a place of clarity, of black and white.


Read Exodus 16-18 and 32

  1. What does the word wilderness mean to you? What seasons of your life could you describe as 'wilderness'? Does the idea of wilderness as a place of nurture surprise you (Rev 12:14) ?

  2. How has Covid been like a wilderness season? What have been the giants, what have been the blessings?

  3. What things have become clear to you in the wilderness seasons of life? Have these presented as temptations to sin, or steps of obedience to follow? What is God saying to you about your obedience to Him, in a wilderness.

  4. Why is grumbling taken so seriously in the Exodus story?

  5. The journey through the wilderness sifted and tested Israel, preparing them to take the promised land. Jesus left the wilderness 'in the power of the Holy Spirit'. A wilderness can make you 'bitter or better'. How have wilderness times affected you?

Woodies Kids | Bible Characters Week 1- Joseph

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

over the next few weeks We will be learning about people from the old testament.

this week we focus on…


You can find the story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50.

This week we will focus on the very beginning of Joseph’s story. We know that in the end Joseph was exactly where God wanted Him to be and that everything formed a part of God’s very special plan for Josephs life. However, lets think about Joseph in the well.

Time to Think

How do you think Joseph was feeling in the well? Have you ever felt scared or uncertain? Do you think Joseph knew/felt that God was with him? Have you ever known that God is with you? Is there anything you would like us to pray for now that you are scared or uncertain about?

Welcome To Woodies Kids!

Join Lydia as we start our new series of videos. This week we are learning about Joseph with Claire.

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Dear God,

When I am afraid or worried remind me of how much You love me and that You are always with me.


Welcome Students!

A big warm welcome and hello to you if this is your first time checking out Woodies Students!

We understand it must be a difficult time to check out churches due to most things being online right now - but we’d love to connect with you guys and help you get involved in our student community!

Here’s a few ways you can connect with us…

  1. Follow us on Instagram:
    Search for @woodiesstudents for more info and updates for our first term

  2. Drop our Student Pastor Amy a message:
    Say hi to amy.viner@woodlandschurch.net 

  3. Come along to our Student Welcome events:
    From 30th September - 2nd October each afternoon from 1pm - 4pm, our student team will be in a marquee outside Woodlands Church to say hello, let you know more about Woodies and help you get connected. 

  4. Check out our online services:
    Get a glimpse into what Woodies is like by watch our live-streamed 7pm service via the Woodlands Church YouTube channel or on our Facebook page, or book online to attend in person via our website. Note - spaces are limited.

We are so looking forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the city! 

The Student Team x

Woodies Kids | Self Control (Fruits of the Spirit week 9)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

This week we are thinking about…

Fruits of the Spirit:

Self Control

Do you know what the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ are? You can read about them in Galatians 5:22-23.

These fruits aren’t actual fruit, they are ways of acting or being that is pleasing to God. When we spend time with God by praying and reading the bible the Holy Spirit helps grow these fruits within us.

This week we are thinking about self control, watch Zoe’s talk (and a fun experiment with a doughnut!!!) on the video below, it starts at 7 mins 40 seconds if you want to skip straight to it.

Welcome to our Woodies Kids video! Join Ruth and Lydia this week for a fun-packed episode. We chat to Zoe about what self-control is.

Time to Think

What situations have you been in when you suddenly realise that you have done or said something you shouldn’t have? How about next time you find yourself in that situation stop and ask God to help you make a good decision about how you will act.

Don’t worry if you get things wrong, we all do. The good news is God is BIGGER than our problems. Here is an activity we did during prayer week that might be a good visual way to say sorry for things that have caused hurt or come between us and out relationship with God.

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Dear God,

Remind me to ask for your help when I am in a situation and don’t know how best to act. Forgive me for the times when my words or actions have caused others to hurt.

Thankyou for always loving me,


Journeys: The Way in is the Way on | Steve Ballard at 7pm | 13 September 2020

13 September 2020 - 7pm Service

Journeys: The Way in is the the Way on

This Sunday, we continue our preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from Steve Ballard, our Young Adults leader.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

Remember, our 11am service is also looking at this topic, and Philip Jinadu shared a message with us. Check it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.


Is becoming a Christian a process or a precipitate moment of decision?

Some people speak as if all that matters is for a person to pray the 'sinner's prayer', secure a place in heaven and that's the job done. Christians are the sum of people who have prayed that prayer and that's all that matters. Others see Christianity as a lifelong journey of discipleship changing from one degree of glory to another!

Of course, I would say, it is both and! It is often a process of hunger for God, which leads to a decision to make Jesus Lord and initiates a life of discipleship. Hence Alpha is both a process but has moments of invitation in it. Sadly, some people seem to stop growing or even go backwards. Maybe the ingredients that help us find God help us to carry on growing in relationship with Him.

The Way in is the Way on

Read Galatians 3.

  1. What things led you to follow Jesus? How conscious were you of your need for 'salvation', of God to help you get free from things too strong for you, and for you to become the best version of you possible? How important is an ongoing awareness of your need for the grace of God in your life?

  2. What are the tools that help a Christian grow? How do you use them?

  3. What were your spiritual foundations as a new follower of Jesus? How have they helped your ongoing journey of faith? Did you have any 'spiritual parenting'? (c.f. Ephesians 4: 11-13)

  4. Hebrews 5:11-14 talks about Spiritual food. What is your spiritual food? Do you feed regularly- can you describe how?

  5. Galatians talks about 'beginning with the Spirit.' How do you understand the work of the Holy Spirit in helping you both begin and continue in the Christian life? 

Journeys: The Way in is the Way on | Philip Jinadu at 11am | 13 September 2020

13 September 2020 - 11am Service

Journeys: The Way In is The Way On

This Sunday we continue our new preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from Philip Jinadu, leader of Woodlands Metro.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

Remember, our 7pm service is also looking at this topic, and Steve Ballard will be sharing with us. Check it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.


Is becoming a Christian a process or a precipitate moment of decision?

Some people speak as if all that matters is for a person to pray the 'sinner's prayer', secure a place in heaven and that's the job done. Christians are the sum of people who have prayed that prayer and that's all that matters. Others see Christianity as a lifelong journey of discipleship changing from one degree of glory to another!

Of course, I would say, it is both and! It is often a process of hunger for God, which leads to a decision to make Jesus Lord and initiates a life of discipleship. Hence Alpha is both a process but has moments of invitation in it. Sadly, some people seem to stop growing or even go backwards. Maybe the ingredients that help us find God help us to carry on growing in relationship with Him.

The Way in is the Way on

Read Galatians 3.

  1. What things led you to follow Jesus? How conscious were you of your need for 'salvation', of God to help you get free from things too strong for you, and for you to become the best version of you possible? How important is an ongoing awareness of your need for the grace of God in your life?

  2. What are the tools that help a Christian grow? How do you use them?

  3. What were your spiritual foundations as a new follower of Jesus? How have they helped your ongoing journey of faith? Did you have any 'spiritual parenting'? (c.f. Ephesians 4: 11-13)

  4. Hebrews 5:11-14 talks about Spiritual food. What is your spiritual food? Do you feed regularly- can you describe how?

  5. Galatians talks about 'beginning with the Spirit.' How do you understand the work of the Holy Spirit in helping you both begin and continue in the Christian life? 

Prayer Week: 13-19 September 2020

Let’s get praying in 2020! It’s Prayer Week from 13th - 19th September 2020.

There are a few key ways you can get involved throughout Prayer Week at Woodlands. We’d love everyone to take part. It's an opportunity to start this new term with some focused prayer, to draw near to God and listen to Him.

There are three main ways to join in and wouldn't it be great if everyone in our church community did at least one thing!

  1. Book a slot in the Virtual 24/7 Prayer Room 
    You can sign up to pray for an hour and we’ve created a helpful Prayer Guide to support you to use the hour in a structured way if you wish. The guide has pointers and ideas to pray about and take you through the hour step by step. Download our One Hour Prayer Guide and Christian Aid’s Guide for Praying about Climate Change.  

  2. Come to Morning Prayer Watch on Zoom from 7.30am - 8.15am 
    Join us online for daily sessions hosted and led by different members of our staff team and church community as we pray for ourselves, Church, our City and the World each morning.  Keep an eye out for the code in Dave’s emails.

  3. Watch our Daily Devotionals on Facebook Live at 9.05 
    Our daily devotions will have a prayer focus and also lead us in a way of praying each morning. So be sure to tune in! You don’t have to be a Facebook member, as they appear on our public page.

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To find out more and helpful tips, check out our Prayer page

Woodies Kids | Gentleness (Fruits of the Spirit week 8)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

This week we are thinking about…

Fruits of the Spirit: Gentleness

Do you know what the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ are? You can read about them in Galatians 5:22-23.

These fruits aren’t actual fruit, they are ways of acting or being that is pleasing to God. When we spend time with God by praying and reading the bible the Holy Spirit helps grow these fruits within us.


Welcome to our Woodies Kids video! Join Ruth and Lydia this week for a fun-packed episode. We chat to Lorna about what gentleness is.

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Dear God,

Please help me to have a gentle heart. Help me to think about how my actions and words can affect other peoples feelings. Help me to show people Your love.


Journeys: We Can't Stay Here | Nigel Savage at 7pm | 6 September 2020

6 September 2020 - 7pm Service

Journeys: We Can’t Stay Here

This Sunday we begin our new preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from Nigel Savage.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

Remember, our 11am service is also looking at this topic, and Dave Mitchell shared with us earlier today. Check it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.


The first Christians called themselves people of 'the Way'. Christians was a nickname given to them by outsiders. Sometimes today Christians choose to use the phrase 'followers of Jesus' rather than Christian; the Christian label has a lot of baggage attached to it, especially in the Middle East.

The Bible of course is full of stories of journeys. Abraham was a nomad, the Exodus is a central Old Testament book, Jesus was always on the move throughout his ministry and the book of Acts describes the missionary journeys of the Apostles. More than that however there are discipleship journeys that are not geographic; Hebrews 11:13-16 speaks of biblical heroes of faith 'longing for a better country-a heavenly one'.

Our series is designed to help us look at our faith as a Church community and as individual disciples as a dynamic with movement and growth. We must never stop being pioneers even where we settle.

Why we can't stay here?

  1. What's in a name? What name would you choose to identify with as someone with Christian faith? Does a label box you in and define you in a static way, or describe you as someone always with potential for growth? What language would best describe a lifetime of discipleship and growth?

  2. How would you describe the temperament of a 'pioneer' or a 'settler'? Which describes you best? Can you be both?

  3. Tim Dobson sometimes speaks on the subject of 'internal and external frontiers'. It implies a growth journey in our Character and internal life and some activity and lifestyle changes that also demand growth. Can you think of areas where you need to grow, go on a spiritual journey in your inner life? What lifestyle or practical things need development and growth in your life right now? What risks is God inviting you to take and why?

  4. What does our City, society and culture need from the people of God right now? It's obvious with a pandemic that we really can't stay here. But do we want to return to an old 'normal' or is God allowing a disruption to re-ignite a passion for us to see our city transformed? How might Woodlands need to change to fulfil what we are called to do for God in Bristol?

Journeys: We Can't Stay Here | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 6 September 2020

6 September 2020 - 11am Service

Journeys: We Can’t Stay Here

This Sunday we begin our new preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from Dave Mitchell, our Senior Pastor.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

Remember, our 7am service is also looking at this topic, and Nigel Savage, will be sharing with us. Check it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.


The first Christians called themselves people of 'the Way'. Christians was a nickname given to them by outsiders. Sometimes today Christians choose to use the phrase 'followers of Jesus' rather than Christian; the Christian label has a lot of baggage attached to it, especially in the Middle East.

The Bible of course is full of stories of journeys. Abraham was a nomad, the Exodus is a central Old Testament book, Jesus was always on the move throughout his ministry and the book of Acts describes the missionary journeys of the Apostles. More than that however there are discipleship journeys that are not geographic; Hebrews 11:13-16 speaks of biblical heroes of faith 'longing for a better country-a heavenly one'.

Our series is designed to help us look at our faith as a Church community and as individual disciples as a dynamic with movement and growth. We must never stop being pioneers even where we settle.

Why we can't stay here?

  1. What's in a name? What name would you choose to identify with as someone with Christian faith? Does a label box you in and define you in a static way, or describe you as someone always with potential for growth? What language would best describe a lifetime of discipleship and growth?

  2. How would you describe the temperament of a 'pioneer' or a 'settler'? Which describes you best? Can you be both?

  3. Tim Dobson sometimes speaks on the subject of 'internal and external frontiers'. It implies a growth journey in our Character and internal life and some activity and lifestyle changes that also demand growth. Can you think of areas where you need to grow, go on a spiritual journey in your inner life? What lifestyle or practical things need development and growth in your life right now? What risks is God inviting you to take and why?

  4. What does our City, society and culture need from the people of God right now? It's obvious with a pandemic that we really can't stay here. But do we want to return to an old 'normal' or is God allowing a disruption to re-ignite a passion for us to see our city transformed? How might Woodlands need to change to fulfil what we are called to do for God in Bristol?


How can we be ‘People of the Way’?

This month, we’re starting a new preaching series called Journeys: People of The Way.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

We'll be examining a variety of scripture during this series. For instance, the Exodus story provides a strong central Biblical idea - but Jesus was also on a journey - to Jerusalem and the Cross – and sent his disciples on a journey to the ends of the earth. Paul’s life exemplifies this.

Our preaching topics during this series are:

  • We Can't Stay Here - 6 Sept

  • The Way In is The Way On - 13 Sept

  • The Wilderness Way - 20 Sept

  • Walk in the Spirit - 27 Sept

  • Destination Heaven - 4 Oct


Re-Create: Building Back Better | Luke Addison at 7pm | 30 August 2020

30 August 2020 - 7pm Service

Re-Create: Building Back Better

This Sunday we conclude our new series Re-Create with a talk from Luke Addison looking at Nehemiah and how we can be Building Back Better.

This series will examine how we can rest in God and be restored, realise our gifts and true identity in Him, and define a ‘New Normal’ that’s better than before. 

Remember, our 11am service is also looking at this topic, and Dave Mitchell, our Senior Pastor, shared a message and his vision for how we as Woodlands Church can build back better. Do check it out!

Re-Create: Building Back Better | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 30 August 2020

30 August 2020 - 11am Service

Re-Create: Building Back Better

This Sunday we are concluding our new series Re-Create with a talk from Dave Mitchell looking at Nehemiah and how we can be Building Back Better.

This series will examine how we can rest in God and be restored, realise our gifts and true identity in Him, and define a ‘New Normal’ that’s better than before. 

Remember, our 7am service is also looking at this topic, and Luke Addison, will be sharing with us. Check it out!

Woodies Kids | Goodness (Fruits of the Spirit week 6)

Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.

This week we are thinking about…

Fruits of the Spirit: goodness

Do you know what the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ are? You can read about them in Galatians 5:22-23.

These fruits aren’t actual fruit, they are ways of acting or being that is pleasing to God. When we spend time with God by praying and reading the bible the Holy Spirit helps grow these fruits within us.

Time to Think

What do you think of when someone says goodness? Sometimes we think of goodness as something a bit boring or like things that we’re supposed to do, (but don’t always want to) like tidying up after ourselves, being nice to our brother or sister or doing homework on time.

What does the bible tell us about what is good?

Check out what Ellie has to say about goodness on our video below (you can skip to 8 minutes 30 seconds for the talk) I think sometimes we forget to do things we know we should because we are in a rush. Try slowing down this week and think about how things you do affect others.

Welcome to our Woodies Kids video! Join Ruth and Lydia this week for a fun-packed episode. We chat to Ellie about what goodness is.

Here’s a game you could play with your family!

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Dear God,

Thankyou for all the things you do for us. Help me to stop and think about how you would like me to act towards other people


Re-Create: Creativity | Amy Viner at 11am | 23 August 2020

23 August 2020 - 11am Service

Re-Create: Creativity

This Sunday we continue our new series Re-Create and we’ll be hearing a talk from Amy Viner on Creativity.

This series will examine how we can rest in God and be restored, realise our gifts and true identity in Him, and define a ‘New Normal’ that’s better than before. 

Remember, our 7pm service is live-streamed from Woodies tonight! So do be sure to tune in later...

Re-Create: Creativity | Clare Thompson at 7pm | 23 August 2020

23 August 2020 - 7pm Service

Re-Create: Creativity

This Sunday we continue our new series Re-Create and we’ll be hearing a talk from Clare Thompson on Creativity.

This series will examine how we can rest in God and be restored, realise our gifts and true identity in Him, and define a ‘New Normal’ that’s better than before. 

Remember, our 11am service is also looking at this topic, so if you’d like another perspective, Amy Viner preached on the topic earlier today.